
520 14 6

Requested: LeeArim
Member: Kevin

Arim's p.o.v

"Yah Kevin!" I ran up to Kevin and linked or arms together.

"What's up Arim?" "Nothing really, I'm just bored" "aren't you always bored?" "Yeah, even when I'm around you "ye-wait what" "oh I see my other friends, BYEEEEE".

I ran to my other friends but I decided to sneak up behind one of them. "Arim if that's you don't even bother" I pouted and punched Kiki's arm "you're no fun" Jia and Minjung laughed and then Jia grinned.

"So" "so?" "Are you and Kevin dating?" "What?? No! Well I like him but he doesn't like me back "well, you never know unless you tell him!!!" I looked at Kiki for help and she crossed her arms "I ain't apart of this" "so rude, Jia I am not telling him!" "Hm suit yourself".

'Strange, she normally bugs me about this but she didn't this time' I shrugged at the thought and chatted with them for a while.

"Alright I spend about three hours with you three, I'm going back to Kevin" "already?" They pouted and and nodded "you guys know how me and Kevin are".

"Ah yes we do, the wonderful inseparable couple~" Minjung sing songed making me blush "Minjung!! Me and him are not dating!" "Mhm sure" I punched her shoulder and went off to find Kevin.

He did texted me earlier saying he was gonna be at an ice cream polar with a few of his friends so I skipped off to the ice cream polar. "Hey Kevin!" "Hey Arim!" I sat down next to him and waved hi to his friends and they waved hi back.

"Hey Kevin, I just remembered Chanhee, Sangyeon and I have to go do something" "does Arim and I need to help out?" "No no no no!! You two can go out and have fun!!" "Well see you two later" the three of them quickly left and I looked at Kevin confused and he shrugged.


Kevin and I was walking around holding hands and no we are not dating we just really like skinship with each other.

"So what do you wanna do?" I shrugged when I got text from Kiki so I read the message

Kiki👎: could you come help me out? I accidently lost my bracelet Chanhee got me, Jia and Minjung couldn't help out, could you come to Namsan tower and help me out??

I sighed and put my phone back in my pocket "Kevin I gotta go help Kiki find her bracelet, I'll have to see you tomorrow or something, bye!" "Bye!!".

Kevin's p.o.v

I decided to go back to my house when Sangyeon and Hyunjae ran up to me "we need your help" "with?" "Hyunjae lost his hat" I looked at Hyunjae and he nodded "yes! Lost my hat!" I sighed and nodded "ok, where?" "Follow us!" They then ran off and I groaned and ran after them.

"Ok, it's here and oh yeah we forgot, we're scared of heights, could you go and look for it?" "How did you lose it up there in the first place???" "It flew" "there's not even a breeze??" "Chanhee said it looked ugly and threw it" I gave them weird looks and they nodded and pushed me "now go look for it!!".

Arim's p.o.v

I met Kiki and Namsan tower and she jumped up and down "thank God you came!! I can't help out" "what?! Why???" "Ummm I promised Chanhee a date?" "What about your bracelet?" "I can wear a sweatshirt? You can do it right? Thanks!!" She ran off and i sighed and went into Namsan tower.

I was in the middle of trying to find the bracelet when I heard a noise so I turned around to see Kevin "Kevin?" "Arim?" I stood up and crossed my arms "what are you doing it?" "Hyunjae lost his hat" "really?" He nodded. "Ah well we both have things to find" he nodded again when we both got a message so we took our phones out and read them.

Kiki👎: I didn't lose my bracelet BYEEEE!!

"Aish, that brat" "Hyunjae didn't lose his hat" "Kiki didn't lose her bracelet" "so then why did they send us here?" I thought for moment then snapped my fingers.

"They wanted us both here for a reason, making up silly excuses for it to happen so, I'm guessing they want us to do something?" "Like?" I thought even more and then sighed "they want us to admit how we feel about each other in guessing".

He stayed silent for a moment and I looked down "if that's what they want then I'll start, Arim we've known each other for a long time, and knowing you in that time I've started growing feelings towards you, I was just scared of telling you how I felt because I didn't want our friendship to get ruined or anything".

I smiled and looked at him "Kevin, I also like you, I was also scared of ruining our friendship or you rejecting me" he smiled and wrapped his arms around my waist "would you like to be my girlfriend?" I bit my lip and nodded.

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