chapter 3 party time

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(Previously on crazy camron)i am wearing this 👇👇

"So we get the party and camron keeps on studdering" i whisper to Elizabeth" He tosts like u" Elizabeth says i-ilike you outfit camron says sturdding

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"So we get the party and camron keeps on studdering" i whisper to Elizabeth" He tosts like u" Elizabeth says i-ilike you outfit camron says sturdding. aron pulls him away and say go bave fun talj to her and have fun😉😉😉 wink wink aron says camron says ok i look him in eyes he looks in my  eyes. He takes my hand and takes my to his room i say why are w-he kiss me i kiss his back he grabs a condom and he show it to me i say yes he tars it open with his teeth in pit it in side of me i scream his name this knok on the door when wear done my hair look like this👇👇

 He takes my hand and takes my to his room i say why are w-he kiss me i kiss his back he grabs a condom and he show it to me i say yes he tars it open with his teeth in pit it in side of me i scream his name this knok on the door when wear done my...

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Averyone stars clapping
To be continued

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