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don't recall | xiv.

"I'm done with History so that leaves me with..." I said through the phone as I browsed my schedule. "Calculus."

My face lit up as realization dawned on me. "Oh, the prof's out today so I'm done for the day!" I said. Ah, what a good life.

"Cool then, I'm at Tea Leaf. Get your little self out here," Taehyung teased.

I scoffed. "Jerk. Why are so early though?"

He chuckled. "I've been here for two hours now. Three of my profs are out with your Calculus prof on a seminar."

I scoffed again. "What a lucky jerk! Aight, I'm coming."

"Matthew texted me that they'll be out in thirty minutes. Are you okay with that?" He asked.

I wrinkled my forehead. "Am I okay with waiting for thirty minutes? Of course I am, I'm not that much of a brat Taehyung ah."

"Aren't you?" He fake gasped and then chuckled. "Kidding. You know what I mean. If you're really okay with out set up." He said. "You're really not on good terms with Matthew as of the moment."

I remembered our talk last week. We haven't been hanging out together the whole week because school suddenly got busy, which is relieving because I don't think could deal with him.

But today's Friday and Taehyung planned a hangout tonight.

"We were never on good terms since the day we broke things off between us."

Taehyung sighed. "I know, but atleast you were civil the past few weeks. But right now? I don't think you can. The tension's just too thick."

I rolled my eyes even though he can't see. "Then why did you plan a hangout? Doofus."

"Well I can't let it end like this, can I?" Taehyung said sarcastically.

I sighed inwardly. No Taehyung, you can't. We all know that.

Taehyung's a really good friend. This set up between Matthew and I is definitely bothering me, because as far as I know, exes couldn't be friends—not really couldn't, but admit it, it's fucking hard.

But I understand Taehyung and the things he's been up to until now. He just doesn't want the four of us to be separated just because of an issue that was supposed to be all in the past.

So with a deep breath, "Whatever, see you," I said.


"I'm really regretting this now, wanna go home?" Taehyung said as we reached the glass door of Tea Leaf.

We decided to meet up at the nearby supply because I needed a few things. Then we walked to Tea Leaf together.

I looked at him incredulously. "Seriously? You always come up with plans like this and ask me the last minute to back out." I tell him. "For reals man, just tell me if you have a problem. Maybe I can help," I pat his shoulder.

He scowled and shrugged my hand off his shoulder. "Just being concerned, Jiwoo-yah. I know you're not okay."

I laugh humorlessly and looked inside the tea shop through it's glass walls. "Who wouldn't."

I look at the two figures sitting beside each other on one of couches, looking like they're talking casually, laughing a few times.

My look may have lingered longer than I intended to because when I finally avert my gaze from them, Taehyung has been staring already.

I roll my eyes and smile a little. "I know that look, Tae. Fine, I may not be okay, but who said I'd never be?"

I wrap hand over the metal handle of the door. "It's a slow process. Baby steps, you know?" I said and pushed it open as I stepped inside.

I keep my head high as I walked to the couple—Matthew and Somin.

They seem to be really caught up in eah other's conversations that they didn't notice me when I called out once.

I almost wanted to back out when I realized how much our talk didn't affect Matthew that much, or atleast not as much as it did to me.

He looks so chill right now, laid back and like nothing even happened. He can even laugh, while I can do just empty chuckles.

Before I think of anything else, I quickly release those thoughts and walked up to them completely, calling them once more.

"Hey, sorry we just got here. Needed a few supplies from the store across," I said and plopped down to the seat across Somin.

"Yeah, our little Jiwoo's afraid of crossing the street by herself," Taehyung followed shortly and took the seat beside me, across Matthew.

I just rolled my eyes and put my attention to Somin. "Yah, talk to me so I don't have to talk to this weirdo."

Somin chuckled. "We were just talking about random things. Random things about us, I mean," she said.

"It's like we know each other already, but we want to know the little things that make us, us," She added.

I cringe. "So cheesy."

Somin rolled her eyes but with a smile on her lips. "I know, but whatever. It works," she shrugged.

She then turned to Matthew again, "So where were we?" She looked at the ceiling and seem to be in deep thought.

After less than five seconds, she said aha!, "We were talking about your exes!" She said.

The worled stopped for a bit but quickly returned to its pace, even quicker because wow, I am so getting annoyed right now.

How cliché can my life be? Like, couldn't they have talked about exes some other time? When they're all by themselves? Or even atleast before we came in the tea shop?

I look at Matthew and he didn't even spare a glance at me. "Well yeah, I had puppy loves," he said at which Somin laughed at. "But relationships? Uh, I think I had just one."

"Ooooh," Somin reacted. "How was the relationship?"

"She was cool, we had fun. Or atleasy I think we did. She didn't seem to."

Again, he never looked at me.

"But whatever, it's all good now. Kinda forgot about her already, I guess."

[a/n] OMG??????? I FINALLY UPDATED?????? cos like i was sOOO in the feels (teen crush probs) right now and since I can't tell anyone abt it, I decided to channel my inner frustration into something productive like FINALLY UPDATING. And YAY I DID IT, chapter must suck tho, but i'm trying to fix it. IM TRYING HUHU. It's like, I keep getting worse?????? IM SO SO SORRY. BUT REALLY, I STILL THANK U FOR ALL THE LOVE—READS AND COMMENTS, I MEAN, THEY R THE THINGS THAT URGE ME TO WRITE MORE KEKEKEKE LOVE U ALL N I HOPE TO UPDATE SOON HUHU PRAY FOR ME (THAT I HAVE MOTIVATION OR EVEN MORE CRUSH PROBLEMS SO I COULD WRITE MORE LOLOLOL) ps not gonna edit cos watty is shit right now I SWEAR

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