Chapter 1

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It was dark.

To dark.

They huddled together in fright at what was happening. What was happening? They didn't know but there were voices everywhere, some familiar, others completely foreign to them, everything was chaos.

"What's happening!?" A panicked voice came from the smallest, his hands grabbed onto the others as if they were going to float away and leave him in the darkness, alone.
"I don't know, just don't let go of me, all of you, and focus on you breathing, ok? We're going to be alright" another voice replied, his voice contradicting his words. He was no more confident than the rest but he had to seem strong, he had to protect them.
"Are any of you hurt?" A soft voice asked, completely disregarding his own safety and started to inspect them all, though it was hard since they were still in a void of darkness
"I am quite certain none of us were injured but what about him? Perhaps his anatomy is in trouble?" The last voice pondered, having no explanation to this phenomenon was adding to his stress.

Before anyone else could say a thing a loud,ear piercing noice sounded, seemingly from no were and only got louder.
They put there hands on there ears but it only got worse and worse, it was becoming unbearable. It wouldn't go away!



"Beep beep beep"

"Logan? Are you ok? You looked distressed in your sleep" a woman's voice said, braking the sound, leaving only their breathing and the alarm to be heard.
The previously named Logan opened his eyes and looked around frantically. It was only a dream.
He ran his hand through his normally pristine hair to find multiple knots and strands out of place. He sighed and looked at the woman he had woken up next to, she was turning off the alarm when something shiny caught Logan's eye. An engagement ring? Of course! This was his fiancée, who else would it be?

Logan rubbed his eyes as he still felt sleepy from his very vivid dream. Although he had no idea what was happening or who the other people in the dream were, he couldn't help his growing concern.

"Hello? Logan?" The women, his fiancé, Erica said, looking at Logan with worry in her eyes.
"Yes, yes, sorry I was a bit distracted. What did you say?" He replied not quite looking her in the eye.
"I said, are. You. Ok?" She reiterated.
"Oh... um yes of course just a peculiar dream, thank you for asking" he smiled a weak smile.
Erica returned the gesture and got out of the bed with a grunt, her curly hair springing out in all directions.
"Well hurry up, get ready for work" she said as she walked out of the room.

Work? Work! Of course he had to substitute for Mr dee today, the poor guy needing an extra day off from all the teasing he got, teenagers are cruel.
Without another word Logan got up and prepared for the day, the dream never leaving his train of thought.

*time skip as the doctor who theme plays*

Logan was walking along the street to the school he worked at, Bloomshard High. Of course he was still embarrassed by the fact he tried to take the car before being reminded he lived walking distance to the school, his memory seemed a bit hazy which worried him but it was all because of a lack of sleep, that's what he convinced himself at least.

Unfortunately, due to his mind over working itself he failed to notice the person in front of him, causing the two to smash to the ground.

"Oh no I'm sorry, are you ok?" A familiar voice asked.
Logan looked up at the man and stopped in his tracks. They looked into each other's eyes, neither of them wanting to move. This mans eyes, they were so warm and welcoming, Logan felt as if he knew them already. After a moment or so Logan realised his staring and straightened himself, ignoring his heart that was beating at an abnormal rate, he should see a doctor for that.
After getting the man and himself up from the ground he finally replied.
"No need to apologise, I was the one who ran into you, are you ok?" Logan looked up to the now grinning man.
"Yes I'm fine and dandy!" He chuckled "hey we have the same glasses! Glasses buddies!"
"Yeeeaaahh..." Logan replied, not to sure what to say.
In the distance there was some sirens for a police car.
"Oh! The police I hope they don't frame me for a crime, eye would not enjoy that, they would never solve that case" The man pulled out his glasses case and started laughing slightly at his own puns
Does were by far the worst jokes Logan has ever heard, he wanted to groan but there was something so... recognisable about the whole ordeal.
Before he could say anything the man looked at his watch and immediately started running.
"Sorry, I'm late but it was nice to meet you" he called over his shoulder.
He kept running until he came to a sudden stop, the mans body became visibly stiff as he looked over at Logan, with a face that seemed to be a mixture of confusion and... pain?
After a while Logan turned away, emotions were never his specialty, besides he needs to get to school.

Now he had two things on his mind, the dream and that strange man.

Hey so, if you're actually reading this, thank you! I really appreciate it and I hope you enjoyed this chapter and story idea, any constructive criticism and tips are always appreciated and I hope to continue!
Thank you again for reading!! Byyyeee

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