Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

The next day I wasn't late at all. Infact, I was early actually and stood infront waiting for Kelly from 7:05 until 7:50 when I called her to ask where she was.

"Kelly where are you? I've been waiting here for like an hour now and people have started coming in!" I shouted over the phone.

"Sorry, alarm didn't go off so I woke up late..." she said unsurely. I knew she was hiding something from me.

"What's the real reason?" I said in my usual tone of question.

"I really don't wanna talk about it right now. Can we just talk about it later at my place? I'm not coming to school today," she said casually as I heard a cough.

"WHAT?!" I shouted in astonishment, a little too loud, if I may add. "You can't blow off school! It's the second day!"

"Just..I'll tell you later, okay?" she said in an annoyed tone.

"Fine! I'll bring your homework..." I muttered as I hung up the phone.

As I started walking in through the entrance, someone bumped into me and I fell to the floor.

"Watch where you're going!" I shouted to the someone as I stood up and dusted myself off. To my surprise as I turned around, the person who had bumped into me was my group's senior, Jared Finkley.

"Excuse me, but I wasn't the one who was standing in the middle of everyone's way," he said with his right brow up.

"Sorry Mr. Cluts, but I'll be the mature one here and just walk away," I said with my usual attitude as I turned my heel.

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"Thanks Glenda," I said, putting on a fake smile. Maybe lunch money wasn't that good of an idea, I mean if I wake up as early as I did today, everyday, then I could make myself lunch in all the time I stood waiting for Kelly. Today was an attempted version of sloppy joe, I think I actually found a lock of hair on my plate.

"Nice to see you here," Jared said with a sarcastic voice as he plopped down on a stool in front of me.

"Naaawww, So you're caring for me all of a sudden?" I said in my best baby voice possible.

"I get extra points for it so, yeah," he said with a smirk on his caramel tan face.

His blue eyes reminded me of the big ocean and his wine-red plump lips looked so absotutely kissable.

Hold on! I can't fall for him now! Not EVER!

Author's Note: Thanks for reading and please spread to your friends! I love comments! So make the comment section explode! I also love voting!!

xoxo 💋 Noa

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 12, 2015 ⏰

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