Girlies <3

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Levi: HEY GURLS! 😜

Mira:HEY 😝


Levy: what's wrong Lucy

Lucy: I'm at the stables so I can't text and who made this group?

Levy:well I made this group and ok 👌🏻

Juvia: hello, bye Ima hang out with gray ~sama



Mira:do you have to shovel horse poo?

Lucy:it's called mucking out , and yes I do


Lucy: I don't understand what's gross. I got it all over my trousers and I still didn't think it was gross

----------end of chat-------------

Thank you so much for reading <3 sorry for not posting in a while I've been down at the stables helping (and the Lucy horse poo bit is what happened to me! I got poo on my trousers <3) any way ENJOY!


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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2018 ⏰

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