The Beater

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"Squad B, D and F keep the sentinels off of us"  shouted Diabel

Me and Asuna were in squad F and go to work we kept the sentinels away from the main party but i never thought Asuna would be such a good player. she is so fast that I can't even follow her blade and she  isn't even a Beta tester.

" Illfangs Hp has dropped to the red zone" some one shouted 

"Stand back i'll finish him off" Diabel ordered

What did you say you will finish him isn't this where the whole raid part should ram the boss I thought

"what is he thinking" I murmured to myself

He stood in front of Illfang - The Kobold Lord and input the attack motion while Illfang threw away his sword and shield and according to the Guide Book it will equip a Talwar but it equipped a nodachi.

"Run as fast as you can. It's not a talwar but a nodachi"I shouted as I ran towards Diabel but I was too late Illfang had already attacked Diabel and he was lying on the floor. I took apotion from the inventory and was going to give it to Diabel but he stopped me and said " Please beat this game for every ones sake"

"why were you so reckless" I asked him

"You would know if you were a Beat Tester" He answered 

"You were after the Last Hit Bonus rare item. You were also a beta tester" 

"Please beat the game for every ones sake" He said as he froze and blasted into pixels.

I stood up and Asuna came by me saying" I will also go"

"Thanks Asuna.We will do it just like the sentinels I Will go in and attack and then you will switch in"

We both started running towards Illfang. First Illfang attacked a top to bottom attack Vertical but I paried it using Vertical from bottom to top and Asuna switched in. She used 8 - star Linear attack with her rapier. 8 - star Linear Linear was an attack that stabeed the enemy 8 times in a row.

Now Illfang's Hp was really low he would be done in by two or three more attacks. Illfang attacked and I was about to parry it but he changed the direction of the attack and I got hit pretty badly and hit in to Asuna. Asuna and I were both lying on the floor unable to move from the knock back effect and Illfang was charging in to attack as his attack came down it was parried by an axe from top by Agil. 

"We will hold them off until you recover. lets go every one " Agil shouted

Illafng jumped up and was coming down to attack but I wanted the Lat Hit Bonus and ran towards Illfang. I jumped up and shouted "I'LL GET YOU FIRST" and slashed him in to two parts he fell to the ground and shattered in to pixels. A noticfication appeared saying CONGRATULATIONS YOU DEAFEATED ILLFANG - THE KOBOLD LORD AND RECIEVED THE LAST HIT BONUS : MIDNIGHT COAT.

"Why?" Kibou shouted " Why did you let Diabel die?" He asked 

Let him die? I thought 

" If you would have given us that running information before Diabel wouldn't have died " He said

"Yes you'r right he must be a Beta Tester. He knew the attack patterns of the boss and didn't tell us. There are other beta testers here too come out show your selves."Some one spoke

What should I do Diabel entrusted me with beating this game but if it keeps on going like this they will hate Beta Testers and Diabel was a Beta Tester I guess I am gonna have to reveal myself but I hope Aizen isn't here.  If he finds me he'll kill right here on the spot if he knew that I am That person.

"Beta tester?" I started speaking "OH! Please don't lump me in with them"

"W-What do you mean?" asked Kibou

" Most of the Beta Testers didn't not even know how to level up seriously I can say that you guys are better than them but I was different I was the best among them all I knew the attack patterns of this boss because I fought Katana wielding bosses far above this floor I advanced the most. I know more than any in this game so don't lump me with those newbies."I ended"What's that that's  way more worse than any Beta Tester. your'e a cheater and Beta Tester. Your' a BEATER '' said some one

" A Beater  I like the sound of it. Now I am a Beater so don't lump me in with those Beta Testers" I finished, opened my menu and equipped Midnight Coat.

"wait" said Asuna "You called out my name during the battle how did you know it?"

"Right below you'r  Hp Gauge you can see another Hp Gauge there ia a name beside"

"Ki-ri-to. Is that you'r name?


"so it was there all the time" Asuna said laughing

I opened my menu and disbanded our party and proceeded to the second floor as a solo player and THE BEATER.

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