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Im gonna kill myself it's not even funny I'm so sick well..... not that sick but I'm sick and I wanna take a pill but I can't even swallow those damn things 😣 I tried so many times !!

To make things worst I'm ducking 16 and I still can swallow pills!!! Please kill me !!

Any tips on pill pop'n 😂 jk but seriously anybody for tips on how to swallow a pill??

Oh yea and I'm working on the books but some how wattpad wouldn't let me by saying there's an unknown error. Like tha fuck just let me update but whatever I'll update my books soon.

I just get lazy and I honeslty got some family issues going on that I needed / need to have fixed so that's been distracting me too.

So yea that enough ranting for now ok bye love you ❤


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