~•~Meeting Little Yoongi~•~

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~•~Yoongis pov~•~

I woke up early the next day. I heard the t.v. was on so I assumed that Hoseok was in the living room. I ran out of my room and darted for the kitchen but still trying to be as quiet as possible. Once I got into the kitchen I took out some food and started eating some. I turned around to grab a drink from the fridge but froze as I saw Hoseok standing behind me watching me with an amused look on his face. I swallowed the food I had in my mouth and retracted my hand.

"U-u-um h-h-hoseok...h-h-hi" I squeaked. He chuckled and stepped out of the way a bit so I could get to the fridge. He leaned on the counter and stared at me. I looked down and blushed, I admit I've liked Hoseok for a while now but would never say it out loud. After all I was supposed to be the cold one of the group. I opened the fridge and got out my favorite juice and poured it into a regular cup. Hoseok then walked away down the hall and I sighed in relief as I thought he was going to his room but I was wrong. When he came back he had one of my favorite juice cups in one hand and my favorite pacifier in the other. I stared at him wide eyed as I watched him pour out the juice from the glass cup into my juice cup. He smiled and turned to me. He gave me my juice cup and pacifier as I stared at him. He smiled and I slipped into little space. "H-hewwo h-h-Hobi" I said and he smiled at me. "Hi there buddy!!How long have you been a little??" He asked and I put my hand on my chin pretending to think. "Uhhhh Y-Yoonie fink dat it was 'bout 2 monfs" I said looking innocently up at him. He cooed at me and picked me up. I hid my face in the crook of his neck. "Juicy cup pwease" I said and he handed me my juice cup and I started to drink some the juice from it. "C-c-can we watch cartoons pwease?" I ask with an innocent tone. He nodded and carried me towards the living room. He grabbed the remote and turned on my favorite channel. He was about to put me on the couch but I whined and clung to him. He chuckled lightly and sat down with me on his lap. I finished my juice so I started to whine and he gave me my pacifier. I smiled at him and kissed him on the cheek before I stuck the pacifier in my mouth and watched the cartoon that was playing.

~•~Hoseoks pov~•~

I was sitting in the living room watching t.v. Waiting for yoongi to come out of his room so I can talk to him. I heard that he dashed to the kitchen so I quietly walked to the kitchen and stood behind him smiling. I watched as he ate some snacks with an amused look on my face. He turned around to grab some juice from the fridge but froze once he saw me. He swallowed the food he was eating and retracted his hand. U-u-um h-h-hoseok...h-h-hi" he squeaked and I chuckled. I moved out of the way and leaned on the counter so he could his juice. He looked down, blushing. That's right, Min Yoongi just blushed. He opened the fridge, took out his favorite juice and poured it into a regular cup. I suddenly had an idea and I walked down the hall into yoongi's room to look for a juice cup and a pacifier. I saw something in his night stand so I opened it and smiled. It was a drawer for all his favorite stuff when he was in little space. I took his favorite juice cup and his favorite pacifier and went back into the kitchen. He stared at me wide eyed as I poured the juice from the regular cup into his juice cup. I smiled at him as I turned around and gave him his juice up and pacifier while he stared up at me shocked. I could tell he slipped into little space by the look on his face. "H-hewwo h-h-Hobi" he said and I smiled at him.
"Hello there buddy!! How long have you been a little??" I asked and he put his hand on his chin pretending to think. "Uhhhh Y-Yoonie fink dat it was 'bout 2 monfs" he said cutely looking innocently at me. I cooed at him and picked him up. He hid his face in the crook of my neck. "Juicy cup pwease" he said and I handed him his juice cup. "C-c-can we watch cartoons pwease?" He said with an innocent tone and I nodded. I grabbed the remote and turned on a random channel which I knew had cartoons.
I was about to put him down but he whined and clung to me so I chuckled and sat down with him on my lap. He started to whine because he finished his juice so I just gave him his pacifier. He kissed me on the cheek and stuck the pacifier in his mouth and turned to watch the t.v. I sat there frozen staring at him. He just....wow. I smiled to myself.


Thanks for reading!! This chapter was EXTRA long for me because I usually only write till like 500 or so words but I didn't on this chapter! Don't be a silent reader!! I'll try and update as soon as possible!! Again, thanks for reading!!

Word count~•~976!!

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