Chapter 3

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I gave Bum a weak smile 'what a nice name'

My eyes were still puffy from having that mental breakdown just now, I still had no clue on what's going on, and my anxiety is already taking over. Bum still has not answered my question from earlier, about where and how I got here, there's got to be a good reason why he still hasn't answered.

While I was trying to get my mind straight, I heard a door creak open, revealing a bright light, making Bum jump and slowly scurry away. The sound of heavy footsteps were heard, getting louder and louder till they suddenly stopped, standing right next to me. I was too busy looking down, too afraid to see who brought me to this terrible fate.

It was so quiet. I could feel the figure above me, watching me. But I was too much of a coward to look up. The dark figure then decided to break the silence. "What's your name?"

"(Y-y/n)" I began to shake uncontrollably, trying my best not to stutter while still looking blankly at the hard ground.

I wanted to ask so many questions, but I didn't want to accidentally say the wrong thing. Who knows what'll happen to me.

"Turn around" those words left goosebumps down my spine, as much as I didn't want to look at the figure, I knew something terrible would happen if I didn't obey. So, I followed the figures orders, I slowly turned my head, revealing a tall muscular man, it was hard to make out his facial features because of the bad lighting down here. But by what I saw, he was very good looking, he had dirty blond hair, and dead gray eyes.

The man then bent down at my eye level, staring at me almost like he was trying to read my mind. "W-where am I...?" As hard as it was to speak up, It was probably a bad idea to start the conversation, but I needed a better understanding of my situation.

Instead of responding, the man just tilted his head, and gave me a look signaling that I should know the answer. But how the hell am I supposed to know if this werido was the one who knocked me out.

He must've understood my confusion just by my face. He started to shake his head back and forth. "That's not important"


The man leaned closer to me, making me a bit more nervous. It was almost like my heart was about to beat right out of my chest.

Should I run???

I started to slowly back up, but the man kept coming closer with an evil grin filling up his face. My body decided to start shaking, I've never been this nervous in my life.

What is he going to do to me???

I quickly stood up, not knowing what else to do and decided to dash up the stairs. Once I get out of this crazy hell hole, I'm going to call the police to help that Bum guy out.

"Not so fast~" I felt a strong grip on my wrist, after not even making it half way up the stairs.

"LET GO" I tried to force his grip out of my wrist but it was no use, he used his strength to throw me back down the stairs, hitting my head on the cold pavement.

My head was already aching from before, right when I thought the pain couldn't get any worse. I could feel my self getting ready to cry, but I didn't want the man to think I'm weak.

I placed both my hands on the ground, forcing myself to get up, but before I could I felt a strong kick against the side of my rib cage, making me fall to on my side. My screams began to echo in the empty room.

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