How it all started

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Moon Light

It's so dark on the moon. No one really understands exactly how dark it is until you can't see the sun. Everything goes to sleep, drained of all warmth and light. Even in the daytime, it seems as though you have permanent sunglasses on. I've never gotten used to it and yet I've been up here since I was born. I guess I can't really say that I've experienced many things in life, I've been around the same people, the same places the same everything! Dad says that we're only going to be up here for another 3 years and then we can take the shuttle back to earth. It's about time, it gets so bloody boring up here! The only thing that amuses me up here is Breeze, Breeze is my one and only partner in crime. Yeah, I know having only a Tibetan Mastiff as a friend is weird but he is the only thing, besides Dad, that keeps me sane! I mean hello! You're talking to the boy that lives on the moon! What could possibly be weirder than that? The way that when we sweat up here the droplets fly around until they explode? The way that half of the food I eat isn't even real food? The way that no matter how hard I try, no matter what I do, I just can't escape? I've tried getting off the moon, after I crashed and wrote off the 7th space shuttle, knocked myself unconscious for 3 weeks while all 8 of my broken bones healed themselves, I sort of gave up. Since then, alarms have been rigged basically every step and camera's hide in every nook and cranny, the security men know all my tricks now since I'm the only kid here, they have lots of time on their hands so that they can keep an eye on me. Not as much time as me though! I have all day! All night! I know how to black out certain cameras, I know how to get into the most complex systems, I know the air vents like the back of my hand and the electronic locks are just a warm-up. But one decisive day when Breeze and I went out exploring we found a camera, it was unlike anything I'd ever seen before. It looked so old and simple compared to the flash ones we have up here. I remember taking it back to my room and sitting on my bed with Breeze spending hours of research on it. Eventually, I found out what it was. It wasn't registered on the moon. Every single item up here is registered and this wasn't. It was from Earth. Brought up to the moon about 4 months ago due to fingerprints. And I wasn't dumb, I didn't trick myself into thinking it was something else, for anyone with a brain it was obvious. 

There was someone foreign on the Moon.

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