what my favorite amime

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I thank Speedster_Fuli for this qustion I have three favorite anime one is Black Butler that's a good one

I just laugh at it so much

Then their Hunter x Hunter I just like the art animation and the music but I do like Hisoka he like the jester in glitter force and Joker from batman but more crazyer

Heres one of my favorite fight scene in the character gon vs Hisoka

I like Hisoka because he has a creepy and strange whey of people but here's the thing if he gets to crazy he goes into insanity like this

But only when he gets hurt so that his Flaw and power

The last one is my most favorite anime the five deadly sins

I forgot their names well so think about knights like King author and his knights well her the thing its about this princess that trying to find the heroes of the five deadly sins to save her kingdom she found one of them and he lives in the Boar tavern that actually underground its a green walking pig I just laugh at the hilariousness in it but I can be emotional to it my favorite character from it mite be Melioas and I forgotten the other ones

So those are my favorite anime that I love hope in joy bye

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