The witch

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When I opened my eyes,I found myself in a cage at a strange place. And I found myself near a strange creature....

I talked to her............the she said to me (( we should get out of this cage or we will be Like the creatures the witch

put on the wall)).............................

I swing the cage and swing it and swing it until I reached her cage..........................But I accidentally touched her

hand...she said to me.....(( you touched my hand and You will have magical power...............this power is moving

The objects by your brain))..........I didn't get what she was saying.................after some minutes I found a paper clip
near the witch............I remembered what the fairy said to me then I tried to move the paper clip from it's place.....

I found a naked wire on the I put the the paper clip on it but accidentally it made a

cage moved from it place and I fell into a big pipe................. be continued...........

to be continued

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