Lobco x Mysterious!Wolf!Male!Reader

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Requested by cartoonscutie. I hope you enjoy!
The reader can be any type of wolf they want.
I'm sorry this is so bad......

Lobco stared out of her window at the Coral Sea. She watched as children played hide and seek and tag.

She wished she was a child again. She wished she didn't need to deal with adult problems and make hard decisions on her own.

She wished that she didn't need to walk to places alone, without her father. The father that would protect her and probably kill anyone that severely hurt her.

Lobco began shaking as she remembered the events from last night. She brought her knees up to her chest and sighed into them.

-Last night-

Lobco was walking along on the beach of an island. She sighed happily. It was good to have a break for once.

Lobco stared out at the dark waves, the moonlight casting a white shine on the water. The sea was so peaceful at night. Just the sound of waves and the occasional late night swimmer.

"Well, well, well." A familiar voice laughed.

Lobco froze, her eyes widened. She slowly turned around and saw a face she wished that she would never see again.

The blue hair, police uniform and two demon tails...

The man who tormented her for so long. The man who made her cry and wish for her dad to save her.


"Ah Lobco~" He grinned and sauntered towards her. Lobco took a step back, she felt the waves gently hitting her boots and she thought of a plan.

The blue haired demon walked closer to her with his arms outstretched as if waiting for her to run into his arms and hug him. Lobco growled at him, warning him not to get closer.

Roc ignored her warning and walked even closer, causing Lobco to step back even more. Now Lobco was standing in the sea with the water up to her waist and Roc had just entered the water.

"Don't you love me Lobco? That's a shame, I love you!" Roc laughed. Lobco narrowed her red eyes at him. Roc wasn't fased though, he found this cute.

Roc suddenly charged at the girl, locking her wrists in handcuffs and holding her tightly by the waist. He grinned at her trembling form and forcefully kissed her and started to reach under her clothes with one of his hands. Lobco's eyes watered and tears ran down her cheeks. She struggled to get out of his grip.

"Stop that." A gruff voice ordered. Roc stopped what he was doing to look over his shoulder. Lobco tried to also see who the voice belonged to but Roc was still holding her in place.

"What are you gonna do about it?" Roc smirked.

"Ugh..." Roc suddenly spat out blood and released Lobco. He held his hands over his lower stomach and winced. Lobco saw a deep red stain on his police uniform that was slowly spreading. A gloved hand entered her vision had she looked up.

A person was standing in front of her, they were quite tall and wearing heavy looking clothes. Lobco hesitantly placed her hand in theirs and allowed them to pull her away from the injured demon. Lobco studied her saviour closely, eyes scanning their clothing and appearance.

The person wore a thick, dark cloak with a large hood. They had a bit of (wolf type coloured) hair sticking out from under their hood. Their hood also had two holes where a pair of (wolf type coloured) ears poked out.

"Are you alright?" The person asked in a concerned tone. Lobco looked into the (E/C) eyes in front of her and nodded.

"Thank you," She said. "But why did you save me? Who are you?"

The wolf chuckled. "I prefer not to say my name or anything that could be used to hurt my family. I saved you because I've been hearing about the relationship between the two of you, after seeing him doing that to you, I just couldn't walk away."

Lobco smiled slightly. She glanced back at the water and saw that Roc had disappeared.

"Don't worry about him." The wolf said, placing a hand on her shoulder. "If he tries to hurt you, I'll be there to save you."

Lobco didn't understand how the wolf would hear her if she needed help, but she didn't think about it too much.

"Well if you are able to return to your home safely, I will be on my way." The wolf said, turning around.

Lobco watched her saviour go. She may not of gotten their name but she knew that her saviour was a male. The female felt proud she could identify the gender of the one who saved her.


Lobco raised her head out of her lap and looked out the window again. The children had gone, but she could still hear their laughter. She smiled.

Lobco closed her red eyes and sighed.

Tap! Tap! Tap!

Lobco opened her eyes quickly and looked towards the window. A pair of (E/C) eyes stared back at her. The lobster jumped in surprise. The male saw this and began to chuckle.

Lobco walked over to the window and opened it, glaring at the male, cheeks burning in embarrassment. "What do you want?"

"That's no way to greet the person that saved you!" The male smirked. Lobco just rolled her eyes.

"Why are you here?" Lobco asked him.

"I just wanted to see how you were doing!" The male said, smiling.

Lobco slightly smiled. "Well I'm fine." She told him. The wolf seemed pleased with her response.

"That's good." He glanced behind him and sighed. "I've gotta go now. I'm glad you're alright."

"Will I see you again?" Lobco asked.

"Don't worry. You will." The wolf smiled.

He was gone in the blink of an eye.
Lobco felt weird around him, she felt safe around him. The only male, apart from the wolf, she felt safe around was her dad.

I'm really sorry I couldn't publish this sooner! School has been distracting me and a lot of other things! I will probably update this book sometime this week, depending on if I'm busy or not.

This is so bad.....
I might rewrite this one day...

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