Chapter 4 Wednesday A Date With Matthew And Inviting A Yandere Into Your home?

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Author's Note
I should start showing love to this book instead of forgetting about it now I feel guilty! Agh! shame me people go ahead!
You woke up stretching doing your regular routine every morning

You entered the living room just to see Fallen asleep on the couch with a bowl of popcorn by his side making you raise an eyebrow

You crouched down to his height and poked his tummy making his ear twitch you quietly squealed and held him in your arms

You buried your face in his soft black fur taking in his scent

He smelled so good! He smelled like vanilla with popcorn because he had crumbs on his face and in his fur

"Fallen~" you purred out his name

He opened his eyes slowly and struggled in your arms you held him tightly

"Your so adorable" you mewl holding him up facing you

"P-Put me down! Y-You imbecile!" He hissed blushing

"no way! Give me kiss and maybe I'll think about putting you down" you said wiggling your eyebrows puckering your lips making kissy noises you guys noses touching

You felt his fluffy paw hit you in the mouth making you hiss in pain at his stubbornness

"Ow! Why'd you do that!?" You yelled with tears pricking the corner of your eyes

His expression showed guilt but he quickly changed his expression jumping out of your hands licking his paw as he rubbed against your leg meaning he was sorry

You squealed and tried to pick him up but he hissed and jumped back

"I said sorry now go away and get dressed because you're late" he said grooming himself

Your eyes widened as you panicked grabbing your clothes while swinging your book bag on your shoulder struggling with your pants

You grabbed Fallen by his scruff while running out the door with your pants barely on your waist
At school brought to you by a scowling Fallen and a panting chibi M/n
You struggled with your tie

"DUDE!!!" You jumped and screamed feeling an arm around your shoulder

"woah dude its just me! No need to scream dude!" Alfred said ruffling your hair making it worse than before

"sorry.......sooo..about yest-Alfred cut you off putting a finger on your lips with his face flushed red

"W-We can't talk about it out here!" Alfred whispered in your ear making you shiver

But you wanted to talk about it badly

"Dude!?" You had Alfred pinned against the fence

"Oh were going to talk about it right here right now" you whisper in his ear making him let out a little moan

You smirked "oh? You like that?" You said making Alfred look away from you

"N-No! I don't Ah!~ S-Stop!" You nibbled his ear

"N-Not out Mm~ public" Alfred moaned out as he gripped your shoulders feeling your tongue lick behind his ear then wondered towards his neck

Alfred gasped"M/n! Don't go there!" You stopped a little dazed

"You taste good ~" you purred leaning in towards his neck

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 04, 2017 ⏰

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