Chapter 1 ::Testify::

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I remember wakin' up,bein broke but it still wasn't breakin us. I remember why I broke the rules,cuz I ain't really had no one to look up to. I remember cuttin' class,bein bad cuz I ain't have what em other kids have...Imma tell da truth and da whole truth,Cuz there ain't no need to lie. And I ain't tryin to keep it all inside,so I gotta testify. For you and I, I testify...

::Vanessa POV::

I woke to the sound of birds chrippin away infront of window,and I wasn't in the fuckin mood to get outta of bed.Then I remember that I have my audition today so i hurried outta bed & went to the bathroom.When I got out the shower I smelled bacon...probably my brother Trevor cookin like he's been doin every since we was lil kids.Yall wonderin why me and him live together,well long story short our mama kick him out after some bullshit was happenin and I eventaully ran away to be with him...

"I see you're finally up,remember your audition's at 10:30." Trevor said before moving away from the stove,trying not to get popped

"Are you wearin my apron...niqqa that's gay." Throwing myself on the couch and grabs the remote

"I ain't wanna be dirty,besides I look good in it." Feeling up on himself

I shake my head "Whateva keeps ya happy,man." Flippin through channels..boring shit really

Once Trevor was done,I helped set the table,we prayed and began to eat.In the middle of breakfast,he got a phone call.It's weird cause rarely anyone calls him at 7:30...

"What's poppin?" His New Orleans accent sometimes kills me,but then I remember he's my brother...

"Fuck no! What channel? Aight imma hit ya up later...Bye" His N.O accent was full-force now

"What's going on,Trev?" Watching him go crazy looking for the remote

"That's what's going on!" Starring at the news & turning up the T.V

And there it was on the srceen,our parents vechile flipped on it's side as the reporter said the victims of the deadly crash.They were indeed our parents Angelica & Jason Watches,Trev punched a whole in the wall as I fell to my knees and cried.

"This ain't this has to be a dream." Wiping my tears as more came falling on my face

"Urgh,Vans please get's gonna be aight,I got you." Trev said sitting down next to me trying to comfort me,comforting isn't his thang never was it needed.But right now I needed him to do this

"They're gone,Trevor...And we didn't get to tell em we love em" Great! Now my accent is full force

"I know,I know..." Hugging me as if the world was about to end right then and there

"Come gotta get ready.Don't worry I'll handle this with the fam,aight." Picking me up bridal style into my bedroom and started lookin through my closet.


"See? This is cute." He said holding up my "Thug Life" beenie 

"Fine,i'll get dressed & thank you..." I kissed him on the cheek and went to the bathroom

::Trevor POV::

Damn,I ain't say bye to my mama or my pops. Last time I was talkin with em,they kicked me out the house and that was when I was 16.I just can't let Vanessa get depressed bout this shit,she been grindin & hustling too hard for somethang like this to stop her..

"August? I still got this niqqa number...well he was a close family friend." I said to myself pressing the call button

"Hello?" He said after the fourth ring

"Yo,what's up? Haven't heard from ya ahh in awhile."

"Nothin much,ya hear me...Things just changed after the bullshit,ya know?" 

"I see you still got ya New Olreans accent,thought that shit would've died out."

"Haha,you funny.How everythang been..what's up with Vanessa?"

"Not good homie,just on the news heard that our people died."

"What the fuck? Man i'm sorry bout that..that's the way of the city I guess. How Vanessa dealin with it?"

"I can tell she hurtin but ya know how she is,Aug? Stubborn & silent...but she'll be aight,her audition in a few hours so I know she gonna get pumped."

"Word? I'm hosting auditions too for backup dancers,of course the girls trying out don't know that mangers wanted it to be a surprise."

"Wait,it's at the Bones N Harmony Theatre at 10:30 right?" Holding the flyer Vans gave me

"Yeah that's the one..why you ask?"

"Damn you slow as fuck...Vanessa is audition for ya shit,homie!!" 

"Small world huh? Well I guess I'll see yall soon.Don't tell her though...I need to surprise her after everythang that happened."

"No worries Aug,I got you!..See ya in a few" *Hanging up and turning round right when Vans comes downstairs

"Who was ya talking to?" She asked as she brushed her hair

"No look great,Vanessa." Trying to stay calm...

"You never call me Vanessa,ya aight?" She stepped close to me

When I lie my eyes change color,don't know why really. Mama said she's the same way,it's been running in the fam for awhile whenever I lie they change.That's why when me & Aug used to hustle,I was only the counter..count the money and that's it!

"Look aight,let's hit up the dance studio so you can practice." Moving past her & grabbing my keys

"Good thinkin...If I wanna nail this audition,I gotta practice last minute..." Grabs her phone and walks infront 

What do yall think? I know it's dry but hang in there,had to start it off somehow.Be sure to comment,vote,and share with friends..and shoutout to LoveIsCocoa for insprising me to write this story...

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