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"All I know,
Is that I love you so,
So much it hurts"

July 22nd, 12:34 AM
He'll be grown again, I promise.

Chris hangs up the phone and sighs. "Maybe we should get him some clothes that fit him," Will suggests, stifling a laugh at little Jonny, who was still clad in only his concert t-shirt, since his trousers had fallen off of his small body.

Guy laughs. "Yeah, the poor lad is probably freezing."

The production manager, the same crew member who saw Chris and Phil chasing Jonny earlier, walks into the room, and looks curiously at the small blonde boy. "Is that the boy you were chasing after?" He asks, pointing at Jonny.

Phil nods. "Yeah, erm..." He rubs the back of his neck and clears his throat. "There was an um... accident on stage." He says.

Will nods and Chris' eyes water again. "There was this weird guy in the audience, and we probably should've called security, but we didn't, and Jonny was hit with a ball of light."

The crew member's jaw drops. "You mean that's Jonny?" He asks.

Phil nods. "You can see why we're a bit stressed at the moment," he says with a chuckle.

"Er... well I brought him some clothes," he says, holding up the pile of clothes. "You said there was a little boy running around without his trousers, so I brought him a pair."

Phil smiles. "Thanks a million, mate! Erm.. Jonny? Can you dress yourself?"

The small nods. "Of course, I can!"

"No need to get sassy, Jon," Guy says with a chuckle.

They all watch him for a moment, and Jonny clears his throat. "Um pardon but I need privacy, misters."

They laugh. "Our, bad, Jonny!" Will says. They turn and look at the production manager.

"So... what are we gonna do?" He asks.

Chris sighs. "What do we do? The only thing to do is to wait and see if whatever the fuck happened reverses itself. If not, then well..." He trails off, not wanting to imagine what would happen if the "spell" didn't reserve itself.

"Are you dressed yet, Jon?"

"Yes, Guy!"

They turn around and can't help but awe at the sight of their guitarist. He's wearing pajamas with monkeys on them, his hair is disheveled and he's yawning. Chris walks over and picks him up, and it sinks in how strange the whole situation is.

At least I'm not changing his diaper, he thinks in disgust.

"Are you ready for bed, Jonny? It's been a... long day for you, doughnut." Chris asks.

Little Jonny yawns again. "It doesn't feel like a long day, but I am tired!" He replies.

The band chuckles. "Chris, do you want to lay him down in your hotel room?" Phil asks.

Chris sighs. "Well, it was reserved for us," he says.

Will nods. "Do you want my help putting him to bed?"

Chris shakes his head and rests his hand on Jonny's back, before his hand makes its way up to the boy's adorable blonde hair. "I think I need to do it," he says.

Everyone nods in understanding. Chris' love for Jonny almost exceeded his love for music and the band that they had created, and now half of the love they had showed and disappeared, and so had the man who had given him that love in the first place. He didn't know if he'd ever get either back, so of course it's a hard thing for Chris to cope with.

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