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The year is 2034. World leaders met in Buckingham Palace on August 18th to discuss what many thought to be everyday politics. Little did anybody know, something far more sinister had been decided.

Everybody had heard it on the news. "His views on overpopulation were a deciding factor in the election," "Do we need more control over overpopulation?" "The growing population of earth and what YOU can do about it!" "Is there really enough oxygen for ALL of us?"

The average population had skyrocketed to nearly 10,000 people per square mile. Houses were built nearly touching the houses next door. People were being forced to share their lawns with everyone around them. In some places, oxygen masks were becoming the newest trend, and many cars were suddenly equipped with oxygen tank holders.

As a result, people were encouraged to not have children. The government began to heavily support abortions. Scandals of hospitals killing elderly patients reached the ears of the public. But everything seemed to end in an uproar.

So, the world leaders deduced it was time to take extreme measures. They told no one but their most secret government officials of their plans. Nobody was to know. If nobody knew, they assumed nobody could cause an uproar.

The human race was to be divided into two subcategories: the Hunted and the Hunters.

The Hunted were to be the weak, elderly, sick, impoverished, or anyone coming from a family at risk of these conditions. The Hunted would remain entirely unaware that they were, in fact, being hunted and terminated.

The Hunters were to be the strong, dominant, healthy individuals. Their sole mission would be to locate the Hunted and terminate them. If they failed to locate and terminate the Hunted, their families and loved ones would be targeted. But the most important job of the Hunters would be to keep their mission a secret from everyone. Including their families.

Desperate times call for desperate measures. And the government has no plans to fail.

This time.


Welcome to The Hunted! Instead of writing a chapter and publishing it, then writing another and publishing it and so forth, I'm going to write the whole thing before publishing any of it. Thus, I will publish it in one big chunk when I finish it.

I've been really bad about starting books in the past and never finishing them, and leaving everyone hanging. So hopefully, this will curb that.

Your patience will be appreciated. I don't know how long it will be until the whole story is published. So far, I have only the first two chapters done. If you'd like to be tagged in the first chapter when I publish the entire thing (so you get a notification when it's published) drop a comment on the "x" just below.


I'm super excited to share this with you guys!

~ T

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