Chapter 13 - Mitchell

28 6 13

Song: Meet Me on the Battlefield by SVRCINA


I sit down on the sidewalk, unwilling to do just about everything at the moment. A large part of me wants to stereotypically whine about how my life is unfair and awful, but I can't seem to bring myself to follow through. Instead, I reach into my pocket and extract the tiny tracking device.

I press the red button at the top, and a holographic map of Seattle appears in my palm. Above the map is a very lengthy message. "Yeesh, what is it with all these cryptic messages?" I groan, and reluctantly read it.

Dear Mr. Paget,

     You have been given a new mission: to track down and terminate the Dasher. It is imperative to your family's survival that you do not fail this mission.
     Your parents are currently being held in our biofreeze facility in Dayton, Ohio. Their bodies are being preserved here until you choose to take action. They are not being harmed as of yet, and they are still receiving paychecks which will be sent to your house. Your sister is still being contained here, where she will remain until you succeed in your mission.
     You will be allowed to skip school until your mission is complete. We have taken care of all of the details with your teachers. You will still be able to participate in your high school's musical, however.
     In the event that you need to enter a restricted area, we have concealed a government bypass code. The code is 7870.
     We will not harm your family unless you blatantly and purposefully fail our mission.
     Do not fail us this time, Mr. Paget. This is your last chance.

~ Charlotte Baldwin, Central Intelligence Agency Director

"Guess I better work on my fighting skills," I sigh, using every ounce of strength within me to resist chucking the small tracking device on the concrete sidewalk. I rub my face with both hands, groaning.

I knew this was coming, but I still can't help but be upset about it. The government confiscated my entire family, all because of me.

Because of my refusing to follow orders.

Because of my being too afraid to murder people.

Is murdering someone who's murdered thousands really all that bad? I could just capture the guy, but that would most definitely be harder. I run my hand through my hair as I ponder the question. Is murder to end murder justifiable?

My gut tells me yes.

Now it's time for me to prove the CIA wrong. It's time for me to show them that I can, and will, follow orders and kill someone, even if that someone is a ruthless gang leader who has guiltlessly slaughtered thousands. That way, I can have my family back and still have a clear conscience.

I refuse to murder an innocent person. But this Dasher, this murderer has it coming.

And I'm going to make sure I do everything in my power to take this guy out.


"Maybe this guy doesn't have it coming," I pant, flopping onto my back after only my twentieth push-up. Sweat beads have already begun to gather on my forehead and at the nape of my neck, and I wipe them away with my forearm.

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