Time Bombs

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I always said that whatever choice I made, whether good or bad, it would still benefit me. All my life, I have come to terms with accepting the consequences of each choice I made. Never have I imagined that a day would come that I'd regret it.

"Hey! This is JR. I can't talk to you right now; I'm either asleep or playing Dragon Nest, or with my girlfriend, OR doing things you might not want to know. Leave a message and I'll get back to you!" I laughed after hearing his new voicemail. Wanker, I thought. 

"Hey, babe! This is Jenna- just in case you call anyone else babe", I laughed, "Anyway, call me right back okay? I miss you. I love you!" I said and hung up. 

I started counting down from a hundred twenty. He rang back by twenty five which only meant that he was on the game earlier, or probably just doing the things any caller might not want to know. 

"Hey babe, sorry I just woke up- and no, you're the only one I ever call babe- the rest are all sweetie pies and honey bunch" he said laughing, right after I picked up 

"Wanker!" I smiled. I like hearing his voice- it's an automatic for me to get so giggly when I hear his voice. I rolled over to get my I pad on my bedside table and turned on our chat room; took a pouty selfie and sent it to him with a caption that says, 'I miss you! Me wants cuddles'. 

"I miss you, too" he said over the phone, his voice still rough from sleep. 

"Come over?" I asked. 

It's been two days since we last spent time together, it was during our review for final exam before school is finally out. And a week from now will be our graduation, and then two months from now, we'll both be in different universities for college since I was accepted in a prestigious school located in Taft and his was in the University Belt. 

As much as possible, I wanted to spend the whole summer with him because we'd both be busy when college starts. 

"Sure-sure, I'll come over after lunch. Do you want me to bring anything?" he asked 

"Sour worms, please" I replied which he then replied with, 'Okay. I'll see you. Bye. I love you so much', and then hung up.

JR and I have been dating for about two years now. We first met in second year high school during one of the intramurals competition- archery. We were competing against each other for gold when my bow snapped and cut my hand right after I shot my arrow; it only reached the second circle near the bull's-eye, if the bow hadn't snapped- I would have gotten the gold- but long story short- I only got silver and from that day on, I swore that he'd forever be my enemy for taking what should have been mine. 

He was a great archer actually; he hit the bull's-eye during that competition and even ran towards my help right after he shot his arrow. What made me swear that he was an enemy though, during that time, was that he tried to carry me to the clinic, even though I insisted that the only thing that has been injured was my hand and that I can still walk. 

But he just winked at me and carried me anyway. And it was the worst thing anyone could ever do to me- make me look weak in front of everybody. 

I almost never talked to him after that incident. Not until one day during our third year in high school when I thought I was being attacked by ninjas. 

I was sitting under my favourite tree in the campus, just reading John Green's Looking for Alaska, when suddenly, an arrow hit the ground about half a meter away from me. Startled, I stood up and started gathering my things when another arrow shoot past me hitting that invisible apple over my head and buried in the trunk of my tree. I stood there, frozen, just staring at the arrow, when I realized that everything was quiet. I looked around only to see that the other students were staring at me and some at this boy holding a bow in one hand and the other hidden behind him. JR. 

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