A New Adventure

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Ro looked up at Dr. Jolah, curious as to why his parents seemed so anxious and he was so serious. Normally whenever he came to see Dr. Jolah everyone was super funny and excited. His unruly brown hair sticking up in the most random places.

"Mrs. Camea, Mr. Karran. Please follow me into the hall." Dr. Jolah asked, looking down at Ro, giving him a smile.

"Ro can wait here and play with the toys." Ro bounced up out of his chair happily, playing eagerly with the toys, as the adults talked in hushed voices. They kept the door open so they could see him, but they were careful to not be loud.

Ro got curious, what was everyone trying to hide from him?

They walked in, everyone wasn't smiling at all anymore. They weren't even trying, and Ro could tell.

His mother and father got down on their knees so they were his height, while Dr. Jolah stood behind them grimly.

"Ro honey, we have something to tell you." Her voice was quivering slightly, and she was blinking her eyes a lot.

"Mama, Papa, is something wrong?" Ro asked, his little high-pitched voice sounding cheerful and happy. Camea stood up at this, and walked out of the room, not able to take much more of this. Ro turned his confused look to his father.

"What's wrong with Mama?" Karran forced a small chuckled and playfully ruffled his son's brown hair, making it stick up even more.

"She's just really excited about the surprise we have for you." His father bore a big, gleaming smile.

"A surprise? For me? What is it?" Ro was bouncing up and down excitedly as he started imagining all the cool surprises his parents and Dr. Jolah could've gotten him.

"You know how when you get really, really, really happy or excited you get the shakes?" His father started, explaining the basic things to him in a way the six-year old would understand. Ro nodded, he didn't like the shakes. He shook everywhere and he couldn't move. He really liked running around, so he really didn't like the shakes.

"Well, Dr. Jolah has discovered that there's something special in your brain that causes the shakes."

"Is it superpowers? Papa are the shakes my superpowers?" Ro asked hopefully, and his father chuckled, shaking his head.

"Dr. Jolah also bought you a really really special present, just for you. This present will help you protect you." His father continued, and Dr. Jo

lah left the room, and Ro's mother followed. The two adults quickly disappeared somewhere else. Karran looked into Ro's brown eyes, smiling.

"What is it Papa? How will the surprise protect me and my superpowers?" Ro asked curiously, and excitedly. Though he didn't know things could protect superpowers.

"Dr. Jolah got you your own dog. His name is Deskas, and if you're about to get the shakes, Deskas will bark, or get mine or Mama's attention so we can give you your medicine and stop the shakes." His father told him, and his father was beaming. Ro's face lit up even more, almost as bright as the sun. He started jumping and running excitedly around the room.

"I'M GETTING A DOG! I'M GETTING A DOG!" He yelled repeatedly, as he pretended to fly around the room. His father had to stop him from jumping off of the taller chairs and climbing on tables and counters. He chuckled, Ro was an energetic child. He was glad they had been able to find something to help him. Ro was getting exactly what he needed, so he could live like a normal child.

He was slow, so as not to scare him, and he stepped gently. Ro ran over to him as fast as his little legs could carry him, tightly hugging the dog around the neck. Deskas at first stepped back slightly, making sure to not stumble, upon the sudden force of the hug. He kindly licked Ro's face a few times, showing that he was of no harm.

"Oh Deskas," Ro squeaked excitedly.

"We're gonna be the best of friends! We're gonna be superheros together!"

Deskas barked quietly, showing his agreement with his new young master.

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