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You and Zak have a kid named Natasha you named her that after black widow and you named her after Zak was cold on the floor seeing you give birth but now Natasha is 4 years old and you wanted to surprise her because daddy was gone for work but h was back the night she went to Nancy so you picked your daughter up and took her home and Zak was getting her stuff ready and. Hide with the dog but the dog got lose and was running so Zak got up and chased after the dog as you was pulling in you heard Natasha giggling and singing but she was singing to the intro for ghost adventures and you got her out and she ran to the door and yelled" mama I want in" as you got the door you heard a thud and you ran in and saw Zak on the floor pinned by the German Shepard and Natasha screamed" DADDY YOU HOME YAY AND YOU GOT DOGGY FOR ME"after that you and Zak and your daughter when to bunkers and let's say this you had to help Zak get out of the play place and so did the people there

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