The Striped T-Shirt [Deamus]

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also posted on my account, StripedHatter


featuring demisexual Seamus and bisexual Dean


"Isn't that Dean's shirt?"

Seamus looked up to meet the sparkling eyes of Ginny Weasley, and felt a blush crawl into his neck, accompanied by a faint nudge of irritation at seeing her. He forced the irritation down; she was with Dean now, and that was that. So what if his best mate was spending more time with her lately? That was no problem for Seamus.

"What's it to you?" Seamus asked. "Dean and I have swapped closed for the past four years, can't really remember whose shirt this is."

It was the blue-and-gray striped v-neck, and Dean had only just gotten it over the summer. Seamus knew it was Dean's and had never once borrowed it, till today.

"I borrowed it last week when we were down at the lake," Ginny said. "Thought it was his, is all."

"Well, we can't really say." He dropped the book he'd been reading on the table. "I've got to go."

He rose abruptly and left, taking frustrated strides down the corridors till the walls blurred around him. The source of that little nudge of irritation remained a mystery to him; something about Ginny just rubbed him the wrong way lately. He'd been fine with her before- for years, even- but it was the same spark of irritation he'd felt in fifth year, when Dean fancied Angelica Johnson, and in third, when Dean fancied Padma Patil. He chalked it up to being that Dean was annoying when he fancied a girl, and usually spent too much time trying to impress her, which meant Seamus would have nothing to do for long periods of time.

Seamus had come to the conclusion he just didn't feel attraction a long time ago. He'd never had a crush on anyone; he could admit some girls were, yeah, very pretty, and had amiable qualities, but he hadn't... Felt the way about anyone how Dean felt about Ginny.

The Clocktower Courtyard appeared before him with a gust of fresh wind, a breeze blowing in off the lake smelling of rain, though the sun shone yellow overhead. Seamus leaned on a column of brick and for a heartbeat closed his eyes.

"Oi, you slim git! Heard you nipped my shirt again!"

Seamus opened his eyes with an automatic grin as he saw Dean strolling toward him. "And what are you gonna do about it, mate?"

"Nothing," Dean shrugged as he reached Seamus, folding his arms across his chest. "You've been stealing my shirts for the past four years. It'd feel weird if you weren't wearing something of mine."

Seamus chuckled and felt he had to agree. "Well, much as this shirt looks good on you, I think it looks better on me."

Dean rolled his eyes. "Whatever you say, Seamus." He leaned a bit closer. "Keep the shirt; I don't care. If Ginny asks, it's yours."

Seamus chuckled again and Dean walked off. He noticed that blush had moved back into his neck. He lifted the v-neck collar to his nose for a heartbeat, inhaling the familiar scent of Dean, and then exhaled slowly.

The realisation hit like walking into a brick wall.

Holy shit- he had a crush.

On his best mate.


"And she ACTUALLY thinks I shoved her! She's tough, but I'd never lay my hands on a girl like that! I could never shove Ginny! The breakup was inevitable, of course, but not for that reason! I'm not- I'm not abusive!"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 29, 2017 ⏰

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