My Brother-In-Law Has a Stupid Idea

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Addy's POV:

I could tell my sisters were happy to be with their husbands again so I didn't comment on how rude Peter was being to Caspian. I guess he warmed up to him though because the two, along with Anna who was wrapped in one of Peter's arms, talked the whole way to the Howe. 

I walked with Lucy and Aura walked with Edmund and Susan. When we reach the clearing the four new comers stare in awe. The walk is short and when we get there the centaurs who stayed behind line up, preparing to greet us. Anna, Aura and I walk in front. 

Me in the middle, Anna to my right and Aura to my left. The Pevensies follow suit along with the rest of the Narnians. When we get inside my sisters and I leave Caspian to explain everything to the others. We head up on the ledge we found yesterday to practice. "Ok, ready?" I ask Aura. 

"Yeah." She says. "And GO!" Anna yells. Aura jumps off the ledge. It's fine though, she uses the wind to catch herself. "Ready?" She asks me. You see we've been practicing trying to fly for a while now.

She wants to be able to hold all of us and allow all of us to fly just incase we need to escape somewhere. I'm nervous though, this is the highest I've jumped from. "Yeah." I say, taking a running start. I leap off the ledge and fall for a second before I feel something supporting me. 

I turn to see Aura with one of her hands pointed towards me and a look of concentration on her face. "Go Anna." She says. Anna runs and leaps off. She falls for a second but is caught the same way I was. Once we were all settled into the air Aura flies us around. 

Suddenly I look down to the ground to see a Telmarine soldier looking at us. He rides away when he sees we've spotted him. "Guys, the Telmarines spotted us." I say. "We have to tell the others." Anna says. We nod and Aura makes us land. 

We run into the Howe and tell Peter and Caspian what I saw. They call a meeting of war. "It's only a matter of time. Miraz's men and war machines are on their way. That means those same men aren't protecting his castle." Peter says. "What do you suppose we do sire?" Reep asks. 

"We need to-" "We have-" Peter and Caspian try to say together. Caspian back down. "We need to strike them before they strike us." Peter says. "That's crazy, no one's ever taken that castle." Caspian says. "There's always a first time." Peter replies. 

"We'll have the element of surprise." Trumpkin says. "But we have the advantage here." Caspian explains. "If we hole in we could probably hold them off indefinitely." I say, stepping up. "I for one feel safer underground." Trufflehunter says. I smile at my small friend. 

"Look, I appreciate what you've done here, but this isn't a fortress, it's a tomb." Peter says. "Yes and if they're smart, the Telmarines will just wait and starve us out." Edmund says. Aura walks forward. "We could collect nuts." A squirrel says. 

"Yes, and throw them at the Telmarines. Shut up." Reep tells him. He bows his head in defeat. "If I get your troops in, could they hold them off?" Peter asks Glenstorm." "Or die trying my liege." He says. "That's what I'm worried about." Lucy says softly. 

"Sorry?" Peter asks, not hearing her right. "You all act like there's two options, dying here, or dying there." She says. Wow, for 12 she's smart. "I'm not really sure you've been listening Lu." Peter says. 

"No your not listening. Or have you forgotten who really defeated the White Witch Peter? What do you three think Addy, Anna, Aura?" Lucy asks. Everyone turns to us expectantly. Peter is looking at Anna ask if he expects her to agree with him unconditionally. 

"I think, and I'm sure my sisters agree with me, that we need to wait or go find Aslan. We cannot win this without him." I say. My sisters nod in agreement. "I think we've waited for Aslan long enough." Peter says, walking out of the room. I look over at Anna who has a sad look on her face. 

"Don't worry, give him some time." Aura tells her. She nods, giving our little sister a sad smile. Aura squeezes her shoulder before walking over to Edmund. "He's in a mood, he's had several over the years, he'll come around Anna, give him some time and space." I say, hugging her.

After I walk over to where Caspian is. "Hey." I say. "Uh, hi." He says awkwardly. "You had a good idea." I say, sitting next to him. "You think so?" He asks, surprised. "Yes of. Just because he's my brother-in-law doesn't mean I have to agree with him. He's in the strange head space right now."

"Well could't you tell him not to do the attack?" He asks, confused. I sigh and shake my head. "Well why not? You are the High Elemental Queen, Protector of Narnia." He says. "It's not that simple Caspian, yes I am the Protector but I do not have a say." I tell him. "Why not?" He asks. 

"Back in the Golden Age we all have our things. Anna and Susan had politics, Lucy and Aura had the job of maintaining the castle and interacting with the people. I have foreign affairs. Then Edmund and Peter had war council." I take a deep breath.

"They were in charge of every attack, every battle, every war we had. My sisters and I went along with their word. We were the generals next to Orious. We had the most skill and power due to our gifts, but we never questioned them. The thing was, we didn't have to." I say, shrugging. 

"They always made the best decision. I trusted with my life, and I never regretted it. We had each others backs. It's different this time around. Peter seems, angrier then he was back then." I say. "I'm sorry." He says, wrapping an arm around my shoulder. I lean my head on his shoulder. 

"What was it like back then?" He asks me. "Amazing. I traveled all over the world thanks to my thing with foreign affairs. I am fluent in several languages. The best things though were the balls. Susan, Anna, and I would always plan them. It was great." I sigh.

"Both my sisters weddings were beautiful." I say, reeling in the memory. "That's right, you were the only sibling to not get married." He says, recalling the story his professor told him when he was young most likely. 

"That's right. All the guys who tried to court me just wanted the throne. I promised myself that I would only marry someone who wanted to be with me for me." I say. "That's what the noble women around here are like. You don't find a lot of genuine people around here." He says.

I blus and look down when I notice him staring at me. When I look up I stare straight into his eyes. I feel myself leaning in and just as I close my eyes someone interrupts. "Addy, I- Oh, sorry." I pull away to face Anna. "No, it's fine, what is it?" I ask her. "Um, we need to get ready." She says. 

I nod in agreement, standing up. "I'll see you later Caspian." I say, following my sister. "Sorry." She says. "Whatever, come on. Let's got prepare for war."

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