"lriG tsohG"

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(Holtzmann's POV)
We split up in groups, Abby and Erin went left and Patty and I went right. Luckily we managed to find a 7 eleven and picked up a couple of snacks and for a bonus, we found some weapons (a knife and four guns) on the floor. We got back to the center of the city (that's where we were supposed to meet afterwards). Once we got back Abby was running towards us and she hid behind us, then we noticed her shoulder was bleeding all over the place and she started hyperventilating as if she was scared. I walked over to her and asked her; "Abby! what's wrong? Where's Erin? Why are you bleeding?!" She tried to talk but she couldn't so she pointed behind me, Erin was limping towards me. Her eyes were green (which was odd enough because her eyes are blue) but it was an unusual shade of green and she had no pupils. Blood was dripping from her mouth, I look over at Abby and then back at her, "Erin, did you bite Abby?". Erin smiled at me with sharp blood covered fangs. "You're not Erin!
What the fuck are you!?" I try to yell at her but instead it came out as; "wh-wha-what t-the fuck..."She stopped limping toward me and she let out the most traumatizing scream I had ever heard and started chasing us. I eventually ran out of breath and we hit a dead end, Erin or whatever the hell was controlling her started limping towards us but in a very odd way, almost as if Erin was trying to get the ghost out of her body. She then lunged at me and without thinking or pausing, I punched her in the face and the ghost left. "Ow..." she said as her nose was dripping with blood. "Sorry," I responded to her. "Did I punch too hard?" Erin wiped her nosebleed and said; "Well, at least you got the ghost out." I smiled and we walked back to our campsite.

I THINK THE WORD WE'RE LOOKING FOR IS "APOCALYPSE" (Ghostbusters fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now