The challenge....... lose?!

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Ciel sat unmoving, flabbergasted at the sight that laid out before him......
He lost.... To Lizzy......
"HOW DID I LOSE?! I NEVER LOSE?!" Ciel shouted aloud, unaware of the worried butler outside the door.
You see Lizzy was smart in her decisions and sent Sebastian so Ciel couldn't cheat. "You left your king wide open when you moved your knight." Lizzy explained at the red faced boy.
"Now if you remember you have to do something that I ask of you.....unless you want to back out, that wouldn't seem like something a Phantomhive would do however now would it." Lizzy sassed while going to a small purse she had brought with her.
"Ok fine Lizzy just hurry up already!" Ciel was getting impatient, until Lizzy held a bright neon pick liquid into his face. Ciels face dropped as he looked from the liquid to Lizzy and then back at the liquid. He gulped silently hoping Lizzy didn't hear.
"I just want you to drink this please if you don't mind."Lizzy explains in an almost motherly way, as if to comfort the young boy in front of her.
"Wait?! What??! Are you gonna try and kill me or something??" Ciel screeched at her.
"Oh dear no, simply just drink this no pain nothing!" Lizzy smiled as Ciel undid the top of the bottle and sniffed it, it smelt like a sweet would at a candy store. Lizzy stared waiting patiently for the boy to drink it, completely aware of what was gonna happen. She was giving Ciel a drink that give him the same mind set as she had.
Ciel chugged the drink, however as the drink slid down his throat he then found himself giggling quietly.However that then progressed until louder and louder until it was heard throughout the whole manor. All the servants got worried as they ran up the stairs to the front of the room where Sebastian stood shocked in the open door way. Ciel was there hugging Lizzy whilst laughing as Lizzy did the same in return. Ciel turned to look back at all the shocked faces staring intently at the young master.Ciel got out of the hug and walked up to them all smiling like a mad man until he looked at Sebastian directly and pulled him down by his tie and kissed him......
Everyone was so surprised, however Lizzy stood smiling at her cousin as she knew all along. The potion made Ciel like Lizzy, which gave him the courage to do as he pleases to the handsome butler in front of him. Ciel let go and walked back to Lizzy with smile in which they both then started fangirling like crazy. Mey-rin stood at the doorway with a nose bleed, Finnian giggling to himself about the scene that was unraveling in front of him and bard just stood there mouth open cigarette on the brink of falling out of his mouth. However Sebastian stood there with a glazed over look as he finally realised he had the exact feelings as his master did towards him.He loved him!

While that was going on Lizzy decided to finish off her doings before the potion wore off of Ciel as it only lasted a couple of hours. She whispered the idea in the small smiling boys ear and giggles as he nodded and dragged her to his bedroom with the girl just being able to pick up her bag before leaving.

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