Epilogue- Happy Family

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"I am home!" Sangwoo shouts out animatedly.

He toes off his boots and rushes down the familiar hallway. He smiles at the photo collage frame with pictures of the three of you. There is silence when he reaches the kitchen. It smells of sweet pastry. He steps a foot on the door less arch when you both blow on party whistles.

"Happy Birthday!"

His eyes are bright like the platinum blue balloons tied on the little knobs at the top of each dining chair.

Bum struggles with the packaging the holds colorful candles.

"I can't believe you guys did all this in the few hours I was gone," he rubs the back of his head. "Dad is a hero, I think."

"He is," you say, kissing Bum on the cheek. "We'll eat dinner first. Let me get the camera."

"Wait, momma. I have news." You and Bum stop what you do. "I am no longer considered a suspect. I am free."

Both your eyes widen and you rush to hug him.

"That means we can finally move?" Bum asks looking up at him. "I don't want to live in this town anymore. Every time I go to the store people whisper behind my back."

Sangwoo nods and rubs the top of his head, "We can finally move." He beams. "Let's eat cake!" He breaks the embrace and goes to the double fudged chocolate cake licking his lips.

You yank him from the elbow of his long sleeve shirt. "No," you scold. "Dinner first. Cake is for dessert."

He laughs and suddenly lunges you up in the air. Your dress jumping at the force of his actions. "You make me so fucking horny when you get testy."


After he blows out the candles, the three of you clean up and then head upstairs. Bum laughs at something Sangwoo says, but you are rushing because you want to wear the lingerie you bought for him. A teddy, Bum picked out himself. The boys remove each other clothes while you change in the bathroom. They engage in foreplay, mouths and fingers on each other's body. Sangwoo calls out to you, but when you don't answer, Bum goes to the bathroom to check on you.

You are wearing the sheer scarlet teddy that doesn't cover anything. Your breasts are exposed where the lingerie is cut out. You look gorgeous. Bum stares at you a long while, but you continue to stare yourself down in the mirror.

"Is everything okay?" He asks quietly closing the door behind him. He walks to you tracing the flower decoration on your ass.

"Are you happy?" You ask not turning to look at him.

"Yes," he says quietly. You believe him. He hasn't taken his medicine in months.

"What are you staring at?" he asks, facing the mirror his skinny naked body behind you.

You don't say anything because he will think you're crazy. In the other side of the mirror, you see that girl that used to be you still trapped in a basement. You can hardly recognize her. She screams and screams but no one hears her. Poor thing. She will never leave there. She will always be a broken girl.


You turn to him with a smile. A crooked one.


~If you like boy on boy. Please read my new story tomorrow: Rejection- Male Reader (uke) X Sangwoo~

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