Release the Beast

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I woke with a start. Confused by my surroundings, I had to blink several times to remember I was at the Guild, Fairy Tail. Hmm, well, at least I woke before the Hall opened. Grimm lifted his head and let out a great yawn, causing me to yawn as well. As we both got up and began to stretch, I noticed there was a blanket in our corner that wasn't there when I went to sleep.
"What the heck? Do you know when this got here?" I asked Grimm, who just looked unimpressed with me.
I then noticed a note on the table in front of our corner. Written in a neat, tidy scrawl, was a short message.
Sorry if I overstepped, but you seemed a bit cold before I left. When you wake up, feel free to use the restroom to the right of the bar to freshen up. I will be in early to begin breakfast, I'll make sure you get a big plate!
I relaxed once I saw Mirajane's name. She was too sweet. I opened the main doors to the Hall to let out Grimm, after putting a blue cloth around his neck. Not making that mistake again. Now people at least are a little ok with seeing him walking around if he has a collar.
I took care of my business and had cleaned the corner up, my pack now on a chair, the blanket folded nicely on the table when I heard a door open and footsteps.
"Oh hello! Morning! I didn't know if you would be awake or not. I hope you slept well. I'll be starting breakfast!" Mirajane waved gayly as she walked by.
I was barely able to nodd and give a polite thanks before she was out of sight in the kitchen behind the bar.

I prepared to wait for the master of the Hall again when Grimm cam trotting back into the Guild. He sat next to me and I removed his collar.
"I know you hate it, but it's for the best. Unless you like being hunted in town that is?"I spoke to the Wolf with a slight mocking tone.
He whipped his head around to stare at me with narrowed eyes before huffing and turning quickly, making sure to smack me with his tail before laying down.
I chuckled and settled into my seat. Just then, the doors burst open, making me tense and reach for the knife at my waist. A group of people came into the Guild, laughing loudly and shoving each other around in good fun. I relaxed and sunk into my seat, using my hood to hide in shadows, observing them.
The loudest of the bunch was a young man, probably only a teenager, with pink hair. He was screaming at another boy his age who didn't have a shirt on. Who yells this early in the morning? Everyone was settling into seats, filling up tables closest to the bar first.
One table had two older men I remember from last night, one was puffing away on a pipe. There was a younger boy with them and a young woman who seemed to be drinking straight from a bottle of wine.
The pink haired kid was at a table with the shirtless one and a few girls as well. One of the girls had a sword at her hip. She keeps glancing over here. She looks strong too. I hope nothing dramatic happens.
There were a few other groups, but they were keeping quiet. The large white haired man was at the bar again, talking to Mirajane whenever she appeared. There was one man, however, that kept apart from the groups of people. He was sitting at a table along the wall I was at, just at the opposite end, as close to the staircase as the tables were. He looked very intimidating, with what looked like metal in his skin and long black hair. He had a flying cat with him- wait, a flying cat!? There were three of those things hovering around! Looking around the Hall I could see the pink haired kid had one and a small girl with blue hair. Well, that's a first.
Mirajane suddenly popes up beside me and it took all of my will power not to jump. "I'll have some breakfast ready in a moment, if you would like to come up to the bar and grab some in a few minutes!" She said cheerily. I nodded and ahe rushed off again. Wow, she practically runs this place I guess.
I leaned down and whispered in Grimm's ear that I would be going to get some food and he pressed his nose into my cheek in thanks.
Pulling my scarf up to cover my nose, I made my way up to the counter, slightly tense considering all the people I had to walk through.
One of the older men called out to me, "hey stranger! I saw you last night. What brings you to Fairy Tale?"
I kept my head down and hurried past him. Don't talk t anyone if you can help it. It will go quicker that way.
I just about reached the bar when something dramatic happened. The pink haired boy was shoved in my direction by one of his friends and he tried to grab a hold of me to regain his balance. He was yelling the whole time. I panicked and my body seemed to move as if possessed. I grabbed his arm and quickly, effortlessly, spun him around and had him twisted to the floor in one motion. He was on his back looking up at me with wide, surprised eyes. Oh my gosh, don't look at him, just get your food and go.
I tried to turn away and leave as quickly as possible, but the boy started yelling.
"Hey whats the big idea!? You trying to start a fight there?! Who are you, let's fight, come on!!" He got up and swung at me again.
This time though, his fist was flaming. There is no avoiding this. I snatched his flaming hand before it could get near me, the flames not touching me. My back twitched. I heard someone shout in the background, but I barely heard it. The boy looked shocked. He brought his other flaming fist up and I easily grabbed the one as well. I brought him close to my body and hoisted him up over my shoulder, slamming him onto the ground.
Stepping back, I tried to make my exit. That's when I heard the boy scream something at me and I felt a rush of air and heat hit me. He had sent a fire ball at me. I stood in the midst of it, letting the flames wash over me, not touching my body.
When the flames died down, I noticed my cloak was smoldering and had smol flames on the edges.
"Crap!" I yelled. I tore off my cloak, whipping it over my head and started snaking it on the ground, making sure the fire was out. I turned on the boy, who was watching me with a horrified look on his face, the entire room was silent.
"What the heck was that for!? This cloak was brand new! Do you know how long I had to save to get this good of a cloak!? And now, this thing that was supposed to last me years, is ruined! Who do you think you are just coming at-" I cut off suddenly. Oh my gosh, crap, I took my cloak off. Oh man, they all see my fave, now I'm causing a scene, they will definitly remember my face now. What am I gonna do?
Luckily Mirajane stepped in. "Your breakfast is ready!" She said, as if the tension in the room wasn't tangible. I collected my cloak and plate and was going to walk back to my table, when the boy started making a small whining sound.
"You- you're a girl!?" He yelled, pointing at me. Glancing around at the others they all had similar expressions of shock.
Looking down at my self, I looked up to the boy with dead eyes, "Oh would you look at that, it appears I am." I heard a guwaff of laughter as I walked back to my table with my head held high.
Well, crap crap crap. So now everyone is watching me. Well, I guess since flying under the radar didn't work, I'll just have to intimidate them. Make sure they're too scared to come near me. Yeah, that will work, right?
I started shoving food in my face, scowling the whole time. Grimm helped my scary act my wolfing, forgive the pun, down his slab of meat. After we were both done, I collected our plates and stomped back to the bar, handing them to Mirajane with a small smile. Then, snarling at the others just as quickly.
I was back at my table, twitching, fidgeting. I was so.anxious. everyone was staring. That girl with the sword is showing way too much interest. The pink haired boy keeps trying to come over here. And that guy with the metal in is face is staring at me like he wants to take me out, oh man, this isn't how it was supposed to go-
"Um, excuse me?" A small voice and a tap on my shoulder cut off my internal rant.
My head whipped to the voice and I growled, "what!?"
It was the small blue haired girl. She let out a terrified little squeak, flinching. "Im so sorry! I didn't mean- I just, I'll leave I'm sorry!" She sounded like she was going to cry.
I sighed. I reached out stopping her from fleeing. "No, I'm sorry, I'm just a little tense. I did mean to snap at you," I said softly to her. She calmed down slightly, still looking nervous.

Is there something you needed?" I asked, eyeing her.
"Umm, well, i...." she stuttered.
"Oh Wendy, just ask her, child," her flying cat started scolding her suddenly. I kept my shock to myself. Jeeze,what is she, this girl's mother?
"Can I let you dog!?" The girl, Wendy, finally shouted at me, glancing down at where Grimm lay at my feet.
My eyes went wide. And I threw my head back and started to laugh. I roared, making her flinch. It took me a minute to collect myself.
"Im sorry! I wasn't expecting that is all!" I said waving my hand around. I featured to the chair beside me and she sat down. "First thing, Grimm here isn't a dog. He's a Dire Wolf. Sometimes called a Hell Hound. But he is no dog. And second, he's not mine. If anything, he owns me. He just decided I couldn't survive on my own, so now he looks after me. He can leave whenever he wants. And third, if you want to pet him, ask him for permission, not me."
Wendy's eyes grew wide and her voice cracked, "ask him!?"
"Dire Wolves are not your average wolf. They can't speak, but he understands every word that is said. He's probably smarter than us all, to be honest. Ask him, he'll let you know," I said, nudging Grimm with my boot until he sat up with a groan.
Wendy nervously looked at him. "Um, hello there. Grimm, was It? Could I maybe pat your head, if that's ok with you?" She managed to stutter only a bit.
Grimm looked at me, as if to say, wow this kid is something, huh?
He then looked at Wendy and slowly, gently lay his head on her lap, earning a small surprised noise from the cat. Wendy just seemed delighted and began to fuss over Grimm's head and ears. Man, has gonna get spoiled if I stay here for too long.
Wendy stayed and we talked for a while, nothing much, just small talk really. We were interrupted by Mirajane.
"The Master is here. Would you like to see him?" She said, laying a hand on my shoulder.
My stomach did a funny drop and I took a deep breath. I picked up my book.
"I just need him to read this, I'll have my answer after he takes a look at this," I said, standing. I walked with Mirajane to the bar, where a man was sitting on top of. He was very short, but his eyes seemed to see everything.
"So Mira tells me you've been waiting to speak to me, huh?" He asked me, sizing me up.
I took a deep breath and handed him the book. "Not yet. I was told by a man named Mystogan to give you this book. It has everything you need to know in it. He said, you may be able to help me. That if anyone could help, it would be this Guild. He said he trusts you, Master. Please just read this and then tell me if I traveled here for a good reason." I maintained eye contact. He had seemed surprised when I mentioned Mystogan.
Taking the book, he nodded, "very well. I'll take a look at this. Mira, I'll be in my office if you need me." With that, he disappeared to a room to the left of the bar.

And now I wait for the Master of Fairy Tail to see if he can help me. If he can save my life. Great.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 19, 2017 ⏰

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