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Time has passed. Exactly 10 months have passed. Marie has gotten bigger in the modeling life. She has photoshoots almost everyday. Her bestfriend Natalie is back in college and is also having photoshoots in the weekends. Justin is living with her in LA and living the best life. Marie is still not talking to Harry yet. Her and Eleanor are still good friends. She has also been talking and hanging out with Louis and Niall. Marie and Kian are still together. They been together for a year now with no problems at all. She basically has the perfect life right now that everybody wishes they had. Modeling, living with one of her best friends, having the perfect relationships. She has everything figure out. Well she thinks she has things figured out until a wrong turn happens in her life. The wrong turn could be in her career, friendships, or even her relationship. All that she needs to do to get through this hard time is to be strong and not listen to the "rumors" that could possibly be true.

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