Touch Me Now, Tease Me Later

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A/N: Sorry it's been so long! I've had NO inspiration! Be warned, this chapter contains a some mature material but it's nothing too bad! Hope you enjoy it! 5 votes for the next chapter please! GMA x

Ron's POV

"I swear to you that I will kill you Harry." I growled and he winced.

"I take it Ginny told you then?"

"She told the whole bloody neighbourhood! Thanks for letting me know by the way, mate. It's always nice to know that your best mate confides in you!" I yelled, my voice dripping with sarcasm.

"Look I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner, but I love her and I want to spend the rest of my life with her, so that's what I'm going to do." He countered. I sighed.

"I know. I'm happy for you. I really am. It's just... She's my little sister and she's still only twenty... The battle was only three years ago... Is she ready for this?" I asked, helplessly. It had been three years since the battle, Harry and I were both working as Aurors for the Ministry, Hermione and Ginny had finished school, Victoire - Bill and Fluer's little girl - was two years old, Teddy was three, and I'd just discovered that my little sister and best friend were engaged.

"Yes she's ready. We aren't getting married yet, but Ron, think about it, it won't be long before you and Hermione are getting married..." He trailed off, waiting for my reply. I sank onto the bed that he shared with Ginny and rested my head in my hands.

"I haven't even proposed to her yet. I still need to find us a place of our own..." He clapped me on the back.

"You'll be fine, in time you'll propose, she'll say yes and you'll live happily ever after with a few mini Ron's running around." He chuckled, pleased with himself.

"You seem so sure..." I was somewhat less amused by his easy joking and disregarded his intent.

"That's because I am sure. She loves you just as much as you love her, trust me. You wouldn't believe how many times she's gone on about marrying you to Ginny. She keeps telling me that she wishes you'd get a move on!"

"Really?" my head shot up and I stared at him pleadingly. "Tell me you're not joking Harry. Please don't be joking." He held his hands up in surrender.

"I'm not! She really says those things! She wants you Ronny-boy, just as much as you want her. I'm not surprised she's so eager since the two of you are living by the whole 'no sex before marriage' rule. You're fools if you ask me."

"Harry." I groaned. "I didn't need to hear that..."

"I can't help it! She's always off playing for the Harpies! I rarely see her... It's not my fault if sometimes I can't control myself... Anyway, I'm sure you're just as bad, only difference is; no sex for you!" He rambled.

"Right, I'm leaving. I can't listen to this any longer; it's making my ears bleed and my stomach churn. Thanks for that mate, really, I appreciate the pain that you've caused me, but I'm off to see the girlfriend, it seems I need to talk to her." With that I swiftly exited the room, leaving Harry to his rather obscene imagination.


Hermione's POV

"Honestly Hermione! You know he's going to ask you sooner or later!" Ginny threw her arms into the air.

"I know but..."

"No. No buts. He will ask you. If he doesn't ask you by the end of the year, he's mad. I don't know what you're worried about; that boy can't function without you!"

"Man." I corrected. "That man can't function without me. He's twenty one."

"Whatever. You just know that I'm right, you have nothing else to say." She poked her tongue out at me childishly and I returned the gesture. Behind me, footsteps echoed on the hard floor of the kitchen. I didn't bother turning around, I knew who it was because of Ginny's subtle "Speak of the devil..." before she turned to continue with the dishes. I felt strong arms creep around my waist and warm lips press against my neck. He gave me a short squeeze and I heard him give and almost inaudible moan against my neck. He didn't make it easy to remain abstinent. He moved his lips to my ear and breathed across the skin there.

"Hey, you." He murmured, the vibrations on my ear causing me to shiver and my eyes to close. He grazed his teeth down my ear, from the cartilage to the lobe which he promptly sucked into his hot mouth.

"You don't exactly make this easy." I said shakily. He knew all the things I liked, and because of that, he had me hot in no time. The downfall: he knew how to tease me.

"You make it pretty hard yourself." He mumbled, pressing his pelvis into my back, making his arousal temptingly obvious.

"Clever." I gasped, my eyes opening and flicking over to where Ginny had stood moments ago. She'd left and I hadn't even noticed. Not that I was going to complain; I silently thanked her for the privacy she'd granted us. He began kissing down my neck at a painfully slow pace, making me squirm in his arms. He chuckled and bit me at the spot he'd been kissing. My head went back so I was leaning on his left shoulder and my right arm went up and around his neck. "Play fair." I whined and he chuckled again.

"No way, I love knowing I can make you feel like this." His right hand lifted the hem of my shirt and began to travel up my stomach, running his fingers expertly over my sensitive skin, making my stomach quiver in the process. "You're so sexy..." His lips were back at my ear, blowing hot air across my face.

"Ron..." I moaned as his fingers grazed the skin dangerously close to my breasts.

"Hmm?" he enquired, faking innocence.

"You know what. Stop teasing." With that his hand went straight to my breast, twisting the hardened nipple between his long fingers. I moaned.

"No bra today?" He pinched my nipple and I found myself arching into his hand. Unable to answer him I moaned again and he placed his other hand on my neglected breast, kneading it with his palm. Breathily, I managed to force out,

"We need... To go upstairs... Right... Now." He didn't even hesitate in removing his hands from my chest and scooping my legs from under me.

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