Chapter 4

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Kyoko stood her ground, looking ten feet taller as she glared fiercely at Yvonne. She felt a tremendous amount of hatred and jealousy building up within her, and she wanted nothing more than to shoot the perverted instructor claiming herself to be Ren Tsuruga's wife.

Lory looked taken aback at first, but a cool smile replaced his surprised expression. He suddenly swooped down and dragged Ren to his feet before carrying him princess style. As Kyoko watched Yvonne carry Ren, she suddenly felt something explode within her.

The next minute, Ren's poor apartment was bombarded with Kyoko's angry demons, invisible to all but her!

"EEK!", Lory screamed as he felt something hard and invisible punch him from all sides. Just as suddenly the commotion had begun, it ended, leaving the apartment walls with holes. It looked like Swiss cheese now.

Kyoko surveyed the scene before her coldly. Yvonne seemed to have regained her composure and was now staggering to keep Ren in her arms.

"Oof! You've put on weight hubby!", Lory puffed, now slinging him on his shoulder like a bag of potatoes.

"PUT ME DOWN!", Ren screamed, hammering Lory's back with his fists. "LET ME DOWN NOW!"

His long legs were kicking in the air in protest and unceremoniously hit poor Lory in a sweet spot that made him wish he wasn't a man at least for that minute. Biting back a groan of pain, he heroically swallowed his pain and slapped Ren smartly on each of his butt cheeks.


Ignoring Ren's yells of protests, Lory strode towards Ren's bedroom.

"What do you think you're doing?!", Kyoko's angry voice wasn't far behind. "Didn't you get what I said today? Put him down NOW!"

Throwing Ren onto the bed not too gently, Lory turned and began pushing a fuming Kyoko out of the bedroom.

"Get out! Get out!". He said in Yvonne's annoying sing-song voice. "I have some important business to discuss with my dear hubby. Matters pertaining to love that I'm sure you, being a Love Me member wouldn't understand!"

"STOP IT!", Kyoko screamed before Yvonne pushed her out of the room. She banged her fist into the door, preventing Yvonne from closing the door. "What do you think you're doing?", she asked through gritted teeth. "Let him go! Didn't I ask you to leave him alone?!"

"Oh really?", Yvonne asked sweetly. "Well, Mogami san,. What I say or do to my husband is strictly between us and none of your business!"

"It is my business!", Kyoko hissed. "He is sempai!"

"Oho, so it's the loyal Kouhai to the rescue hmm?", Yvonne asked mockingly. " Well, he is my husband, so I have a higher priority to see him than some lowly kouhai! Are you sure you're asking about his safety as a kouhai Mogami san? Or are you asking as a woman?"

Kyoko opened her mouth to retaliate, but couldn't find the words. She couldn't bring herself to admit it, especially not in front of Ren!

" If you are, try and snatch him back from me!", Yvonne continued, overriding her silence. " But if you still insist that you are asking as his kouhai, then I have only two words to say to you-Get. Lost!"

Kyoko's hand slackened for a moment as Yvonne's challenge took her by surprise. As Yvonne began to close the door however, she forced it open again. "You will never get away with this!", she snarled. "If you have something to say to him, it has to be in front of me!"

Yvonne let out an exasperated sigh. "I have something extremely private to discuss with Ren, Mogami san!", she whispered coldly. "I am expecting his baby! So he can either announce our relationship to the world, or retire from the industry and help me raise our child!"

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