Chapter 6

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Jimins POV

"What? Hyung what did I do wrong? All I wanted was for Yoongi hyung to apologise to chim. Was is it really hard just to say 'I'm sorry jimin' no it wasn't." Jungkook said.

"I get you we're sticking up for jimin but you pushed Yoongi to much. If he didn't want to say sorry yet you shouldn't have pushed him to." Hoseok said before leaving, giving off a cold glare.

"What is going on with everyone? Tae won't even speak to us, Hoseok barley talks and Yoongi also doesn't. Is it got to do with us?" Jungkook asked.

"I don't know. Forget about it kookie let's just rest." I said laying down on my bed. What surprised me was that jungkook laid down next to me and cuddled me.

"What are you doing jungkook?"

"Is this to much? I-I'm sorry if it is." He went to remove his arm but I stoped him from doing so. I really needed to cuddle up to someone right now.

"No it's not. It's fine kookie."


Yoongis POV

I really didn't mean to yell at jungkook and jimin let alone hurt him. Hurting Jimin would be the last thing I'd ever want to do. I really did feel bad for hurting him but I couldn't say sorry yet. I would have liked to say it to him alone instead in front of jungkook. Also the fact that jungkook was yelling at me made me just fire back.

"Hyung?" I looked up to see Hoseok standing with a glass of water in his hand.

"Figured from all that yelling your throat is probably dry." He chuckled. I just smiled and thanked him, taking the water.

I was thinking about what Hoseok had told me earlier. He really wanted to help me get my mind off jimin but how can I get my mind off him when I'm constantly thinking about him.

As Hoseok was making his why over he had tripped over one of the many shoes lying around and fell onto the bed spilling the water on me.

"Are you serious Hoseok!" I sat drenched in the water.

"Oh my god I'm so sorry Yoongi hyung!" He tried not to laugh. He went and grabbed a towel for me to dry myself off with and a change of clothes.

Once I changed I started drying my hair with the towel but apparently I wasn't doing it properly, according to Hoseok.

"Hyung just give me it, I'll do it for you." He sat in front of me with the towel and started drying my hair. I chuckled at him slightly.

After about 5 or 10 minutes he was done drying my hair and wrapped the towel around my neck and yanked me forward, bumping heads with him.

"Ouch! Hobi let go." I whined. He just laughed at me and smiled. I just pouted.

"You so mean." I laughed along with Hoseok. Once we calmed down Hoseok still hadn't taken away the towel so we were still forehead against forehead.


"Yes Hoseok?"

"My offer still stands." He tilted his head slightly. I just stared at him. Should this really happen? I don't know what to think anymore.

I felt Hoseok get a little closer that our lips were just an inch apart.

He looked me straight in the eyes before closing them and connecting our lips. I was surprised. I was kissing my best friend. I could feel Hoseok try to pride open my mouth with his tongue.

"H-Hoseok I don't think I can d-do this-"

"Hyung if you need to....just imagine me as jimin." He said before connecting our lips again. This time I didn't stop him when he prided open my mouth with his tongue. I let him control everything since I didn't know what to do, or how to feel about this.

I was just in shock.

I felt him lay me down without breaking the kiss. I felt so bad doing this but I couldn't stop it. Like Hoseok said, I did think about him being jimin.

I suddenly felt his hands run down my chest to the hem of my shirt and that's when I realised what he was trying to do.

"Stop Hoseok I-I can't continue." I breathed out. He nodded understanding and stoped to lay next to me.

"Admit it hyung. You thought I was jimin and you enjoyed it." He laughed. I blushed red and pushed him off my bed.

"Go away I wanna sleep." I mumbled. I heard him chuckle one last time before leaving.

What am I doing! I shouldn't be doing this with him! I shouldn't be thinking about Jimin either.

As I laid in the bed thinking about stuff, I heard a knock at the door then it slowly opened to reveal Taehyung.

"Can I come in?" He mumbled. I nodded and sat back up to give him room.

"Hyung what happened? Before..."

"I made jimin upset and jungkook wanted me to apologise to him. In all honesty I didn't mean to yell at him, he was just pushing me non stop to say sorry that I just burst towards the end." Taehyung nodded.  He sighed and sat against the headboard with me.

"Hyung how are we going to get over jimin and jungkook. I know we have to accept them being together but I don't think I can. And I don't mean to but I'm acting more colder towards jimin. Every time I see him I feel anger now."

"I know Taehyung. I feel like that to jungkook. I don't think there's anything we can do." We just chuckled at each other.

"So did Hoseok offer you help?" Tae suddenly asked. I nodded and sighed.

"Did you take up his offer?"

"I didn't at first....but he tried to...before." I said embarrassed.

"Did yous do anything?" Tae widen his eyes. I pulled my knees to my chest and hid my head in them.

"We kissed."

"Oh my god really?!"

"Don't get me wrong I don't want to but he insisted. It felt wrong but he told me to think of...jimin..." I trailed off.

"Wow hyung I can't believe you both kissed. Don't worry hyung....I was thinking about it to."

"What? Taking up his offer?" I asked surprised. He nodded.

"Ya know, just to get my mind off of jungkook. I'm not sure it will work but it wouldn't hurt to give it a try would it?"

"I honestly don't know Tae."
Even tho I survived the first week back at school, I hate it so much and felt dead through this whole week 😓

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