A memorable night

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Nothing much happened for several weeks. I kept on going barefoot. Maybe it was out of the ordinary, but the only place with any rule about it was in the dining facilities. After they bothered me a few times, I kept some flip-flops in my backpack just in case. Otherwise, most people didn't say anything. When they did, I told them "It feels good and there's no rule against it."

By the time finals got close, I was getting more hopeful I'd never see Megan or hear her name again. With about a week to go, I was in a group-study room in the library with a bunch of other people from my math class. It was almost nine at night, but I had several more hours of studying to look forward to.

Holly was there, and she'd pulled her chair up close to me. She seemed nervous. "Think you're ready for your exams?" she said.

"Sort of," I said.

"What do you mean?"

"Well...I think I know the stuff pretty well. But...."

"But what?"

"I'm afraid I'll freeze up again. That's what keeps happening, right when I'm in the middle of taking a test. I get worried about the time and then I can't concentrate." I hated having to admit it, but it was the truth.

"Jordan...can I tell you something?"


Holly seemed like she had something important to say but couldn't find the right words. Then her eyes went wide.

She was looking through the glass door, out into the hallway. Megan was coming. Before I knew it, she had stepped right into our room.

She stopped and we stared at each other for a moment. I was caught off guard again.

"Three...two...one...close your eyes." And sure enough, I closed them. "Totally let go. Sink down deeper, down into the place you were before. But this time, keep all your memories. So that later you'll remember everything."

It's all sort of hazy, but I do remember. It didn't feel like she was forcing me to do anything. Whatever she told me just seemed like the most natural thing to do. It didn't occur to me there was any reason to do anything different.

I was totally relaxed, like there wasn't a thing in the world to worry about. It felt good.

"Megan, this isn't quite what I had in mind." It was Holly's voice.

"What did you expect me to do?" said Megan. "If I'd waited, he would have been an uncooperative subject."

"Why didn't you just talk to him?"

"He wouldn't have listened."

"And now he will?"

"Maybe. I won't try to make him do anything. But what does everyone think? Does he look hypnotized?"

A chorus of voices answered. "Yeah. He does. Sure looks like it." I heard them, but didn't worry about being embarrassed.

Megan spoke straight to me. "Jordan, are you hypnotized?"

"Yes." I didn't think much about my answer, and didn't think at all about what it meant.

"Keep your mind where it is. Don't wake up. Just open your eyes now."

I opened my eyes. I could see everything around me, but didn't pay much attention to any of it.

"I'd like to take him somewhere more private," said Megan.

"Let me come too," said Holly.

Megan must have nodded, though I didn't notice.

"Jordan, stand up," she said. "Let's go outside."

A Bet with a HypnotistWhere stories live. Discover now