Chapter Thirty Two

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The following morning I woke up sore and stiff. I moved each limb one at a time to check they were still functioning leaving my head until last. When I opened my eyes I was shocked by the sight that I wasn't in my room. There was movement next to me and I froze as a warm lump lay pressed against my back. I gradually rotated around and Aiden was there, peacefully asleep and fully naked. He was lying on his stomach allowing me to  look at his body from head to toe questioning the many scratches that were on his skin.

It hit me, like a brick wall with a thousand bricks. I was naked also, fitting the pieces together and clear images and sounds replayed in my brain, I had spent all of last night having sex with Aiden. A large smile spread across my face for a moment while I settled back down into my side of the bed until Gale's face spread across my brain and vision making me feel nauseous and faint. I sat up immediately waking Aiden, he sat up with me and placed a warm hand onto my back. My thoughts were everywhere, did I like Gale? Was what happened with Aiden right? What do I tell Gale?

"Are you alright?" Aiden yawned and settled onto his back and rested an arm behind his head wearing a large grin as he caressed my back with his fingertips causing shudders on my part.

"Yeah, I'm fine" I laid back down to face Aiden who's body looked still steaming and glistened.

"Last night was amazing" The smile only grew and his white teeth reflected the sunlight, he was definitely model material.

"It was" I remembered the sensations and Aiden wrapped an arm around my waist pulling me close into his toned body, my sore muscles moaned but I ignored them. Aiden re-closed his eyes once I was settled but mine were darted open, never able to close again this morning. Gale. The sweet, sensitive guy that I had left to 'sort things out with Aiden'. Well we sorted things out and lost a few clothes in the process. I couldn't deny that the kiss with Aiden was a sign, it was my body screaming at me that everything that we were doing was right. It definitely felt amazing, that was a no brainer.

I felt guilt for Gale. Had I lead him on this whole time? It seemed like centuries ago that we agreed to go ahead with our fake relationship to try and bring Aiden back to me and it had clearly worked since I was lying naked in his bed but when did the relationship 'feelings' turn real? It was only yesterday that he asked me to be in a real relationship with me. Had he forgotten the reason we started our connection or just ignored it? Yesterday, it was strange that the day before I was considering being with Gale, why? Why did I consider this? Because Gale was a nice guy, but so was Aiden. Gale was hot but Aiden was hotter. Gale was funny but Aiden was the funniest and finally Aiden truly knew me, my whole life. I couldn't believe that I had let myself so carelessly lean towards Gale, I had kissed him a few times and every time felt like I was betraying Aiden, but isn't that what I was feeling now? Guilt? I couldn't win, I came here to clear the guilt with Aiden and this is how it turned out, if I tried to clear my guilt with Gale would I end up in his bed?

That wasn't the only problem swimming into my life because now that I had re-connected with Aiden, were we together? I was back to square one, were this whole issue started, the mistake of me believing Aiden and I's status I was not going to do that to myself again. I needed a way to let Gale down lightly, very lightly. I felt as if this fairytale was written all wrong, shouldn't the girl fall for the vulnerable guy, the one that was beaten and hurt? Instead I chose the beater the one that brought the other to his knees. This was Aiden's fault, if he hadn't of beaten Gale then maybe I wouldn't have loved his vulnerable state and tried to get him into bed but then maybe I owed him some thanks since Gale's injuries stopped us from doing 'it'. I remembered Gale's arm snaking around my waist and snapped myself back to reality to find Aiden's arm there still, around my waist.

Slipping from his grip I made my way around the room collecting my clothes while Aiden lay peacefully on the bed. He was different from all of the other times I had seen him lying in bed. I was different too because we had both grown up and we weren't the same people anymore, maybe that was for the better. I quickly got dressed and made my way over to the bed were Aiden's eyes fluttered open  and I couldn't resist to lean in and place a small peck onto his lips, I ran a hand through his hair for grip and he smiled against my lips.

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