The Rickest Rick part 2

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Evil rick dimension unknown
So what am I supposed to be doing morty. Doing a stupid interview huh. Alright so for all you non ricks out there I just wanted to say im the rickest rick not that C137 push over. I do all the things he dose, but better. The reason ha that's easy. Im evil he's not. I have a lair, he has a stupid garage. Also I have allien servants and he only has his stupid family to count on to keep him going. Anyways here's a message for mr. C137 dumb butt, you cant get away from me. Ill always find you and when I do I will kill you and everyone you've ever met and loved. Now how's that morty. What do you mean my times not up yet.  I have ten minutes left. Okay. Well if you must know I don't travel much. I stay here plotting evil plans and planning how to kick your favorite ricks butt. Also here's something I think rick dosent rember, that he is a rick and ricks don't care about thier mortys. Simple as that. Now morty am I done. One more minute. Well one more thing,vote for me for the rickest rick. See you around suckers.

Hey guys this is mrs. Meeseeks look at me. I hope you guys enjoyed this part and the next part is coming out tomorrow so see you then bye.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 30, 2017 ⏰

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