5 in the morning

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The sun started to rise I don't know why but I felt like some one was missing I looked around."shit... " Cristin wasn't there. I looked at Connor I framed his arms and gave it a shake "dude wake up cristans gone." he got up and looked around, "lets go look for him." I got up and Conner did to, we grabed are stuff just incace . A couple minutes passed and all there was is a chilling silence creeping though the room we would jump at the slightest of sound. "CRISTIAN THIS ISENT FUNNY ANYMORE" Connor yelled out. Out of no we're I head a man yell as I hear muffled screams in the background. It sounded like Cristian I Ran towards it "WHAT ARE U DOING U DONT RUN TOWERDS THE DANGER!?" Conner loudly wisperd I stopped and looked at him "look who ever it is over there they need our help" he looked at me and grabbed my hand jestering me to go. There was blood on the floor and cristans jacket "uh, I'm not sure this is a good idea... Lest go back I'm sure it's fine" I grabbed his hand he looked at me I refused to let go of his hand so I keeped holding on We found this room
God the smell was viel so the brightest thing we did... Walked in to the room, "god what the Fuck is that smell?!" I looked down as the blue moon light hit the floor. It was a dog it was riped open with a ritual knife next to it. The pentagram was painted around it with the blood of the poor animal
"Oh go-" i gaged of the smell, conner looked around and soon did I...."HAY STOP!" i yelled grabing conners hand and started to run, "OH GOD I STEPED ON THE DOG" as we run towards the door like hole were the shadow went through "i saw some one"i said as conner took a look at the area we were at" fine but pull out your gun just incase, and i have my knife." i pulled my gun and walked infront of conner. Minutes past the sunlight started to show and we here loud thud from the Next Room."SHIT WHAT WAS THAT!?"coner yelled" i smaked him in the sholder,"keep your voice down damnit!" as i wisper loudly. I heard a conversation in the room befor we shoved the broken door down and shout right away  *Mopholed scream* its cristian
The tape fell off of his mouth "WHAT THE FUCK YOU ALMOST SHOT ME!" conner started to lagh do to pannic and started unting cristian." conner you ok jeses you sound like you had some sort of mental brake through" cristian giggaled at conner for a bit, "Hahaha-LETS GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE" conner said as cristian got up. I giggaled and we went back to get cristians things and we left.

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