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sO LIEKI was in Texas History class n shit and I saw a picture of an Angora goat

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I was in Texas History class n shit and I saw a picture of an Angora goat. My immediate reaction was, "wELP GOTTA MAKE A CHARACTER BASED ON THIS". So Angora was born. She's an angry dancer who just wants to fight things. She lives on an island I created. She lives in a small wood shack with her companion, Coil.

yES HE HAS SHORTS I JUST APPARENTLY DIDN'T DRAW THE LINE CLEAR ENOUGH!So ye this is Coil, Angora's companion/brother

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So ye this is Coil, Angora's companion/brother. He came from another village and no one knows his real name. They named him Coil because of how he sleeps. He's about 9 and has an infatuation with peach juice. He also got his clothes from an actual city a few miles away from the villages. He stole them from a donation bin.

 He stole them from a donation bin

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I digitalized Angora. Ye.

Lineart for a headshot of, you guessed it, Angora

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Lineart for a headshot of, you guessed it, Angora. Tbh it's more of a sketch ish thing but eh.

Some more art of an adopt from DA I need in my life

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Some more art of an adopt from DA I need in my life.

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