Chapter 21: Imperfectioness

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You and Me,

He and She, 

Antagonist and Protagonist,

Hero and Heroine.

We are created incomplete,

We are simply imperfect,

But lets not let our imperfection ruin everything.

Thin waist, long legs

Smooth hair, big chest

Angel eyes, full lips

Pink cheeks, wide hips

Tall but not too high

With a gap between her thighs

And long lashes on her eyes

Hourglass figure

Sweatpants & scarred legs

Damaged hair, flat chest

Chinky eyes, dry lips

Pimpled cheeks, no hips

Short and stubby

No thigh gap, just chubby

And eyebrows? Shrubby


When I was younger

a friend once told me

No one and nothing is

absolutely perfect.

I have lived by this 

all my life.

I believe

if there was perfection

then there would be a limit

to your success.

Ever since 

he told me that

I have been impressed 

by people who do beyond


They ignore others limits

and go beyond

they set limits for 


But yet they are still 

not perfect

and in my world

nothing ever will



Dedication: To my dad, my wattpad besties, and everyone. 

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