colors ; min yoongi [ part 2 ]

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Promises were meant to be forgotten in the end, weren't they?

Your memories of Yoongi had quickly vanished after you had taken those pills. You felt so much better and felt like a load of weight had been lifted of your shoulders.

Those pills were anything, but good. It damaged you way more than Yoongi leaving you. Forgetting Yoongi was the worst part because you were suppose to feel the pain, not push it away.

You felt weak when he left and you missed him so badly which was why you had decided to take those pills. They were suppose to be long forgotten, but now you broke his promise.

Smiling you felt happy, but you just didn't realize internally how empty you were without Yoongi. Soon enough the drug became more addictive and as time passed it wasn't having much affect anymore.

You were turning into your formal self, but this time your heart was empty. You couldn't feel love, warmth, or happiness anymore. The label on the pill bottle had told you not to overdose. Which you were fine with for some time because it was working.

Then after taking those same pills every once a week it started to have no affect and you wanted those memories of Yoongi gone.


One hazy morning where it looked like it was about to rain you decided to head to the coffee shop once more. "One hot caramel macchiato please," you asked the barista.

"Kamsahamnida," you thanked the barista and found the same table that you and Yoongi used to sit at. The dark brown table with a small green plant in the middle, and a window next to it so you could stare out the streets while people walked to and fro.

You set your cup of warm coffee down, and pulled out a chair taking a seat. Silently you took out the bottle of pills from your pocket and took a long hard stare at it. People were walking past you and started whispering about what was in your hands, but you ignored it.

You played with the bottle of pills. How it worked so miraculously in the beginning and now it didn't even work at all. I miss him. His smile, his laugh, his teasing, everything. A tear escaped your eye.

You had forced yourself not to cry anymore, but that made everything worse. You were nothing without Yoongi. You took a sip of you coffee tasting the caramel. It was bittersweet especially how you loved it.

You stared out the window trying to ease your mind a little. People were smiling, laughing, and some were in a hurry to get to work. Heaving a sigh, you looked away. You wanted happiness again and the only person who could brighten your day with just a smile was Min Yoongi.

Your vision got blurry as another tear strolled down. You uncapped the bottle of pills and poured out way more than you should have. Don't overdose, the label said in big bold black letters, but you didn't care anymore.

You missed him so much, and this was the only way to stop it. You were about to pour the pills into your mouth when a hand grabbed your wrist. "YAH," you said loudly and everyone in the coffee shop turned to look at you.

Your face was red in embarrassment. Instead you stared at the person who grabbed your wrist. "Y-Y-Yoongi?" You stuttered as he frowned. "Let go," you sharply said, coming back to reality as you tried tugging your hand out of his grasp, but he was too strong.

"가자," (let's go) He said and started dragging you out of the coffee shop. "YAH LET GO," you shouted trying to pull your hand again, but Yoongi didn't budge.

"We need to talk," he said roughly and you followed him curiously, but still hurt. "아니 (no, in a casual way), we don't," you stated, as a matter of fact, trying to stop in your tracks, but Yoongi kept dragging you.

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