chapter 4!!!

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     The rest was history after that. Very painful history that is. Peeta was by the bed the whole time, I'd squeeze his hand everytime I'd push. And he'd do the usual soothing words thing and kisses on the cheek and forehead, which did help. But the wired thing was, after the painful process, I was completly exzausted! It was as if every spark of energy was sucked out of me!

     "well that hurt." I said sarcasticully to Peeta. He laughs. "yeah, any longer, and I think my hand would have fallen off from you squeezing it!" he says. I laugh as well, at the fact that its probably true.

     And then there's a knock at the door, someone opens it and my mother walks in with a bundle of pink blankets. Pink. Now we know for sure its a girl. She hands the bundle carefully to me. I take her in my arms and smile through my tears, at my daughter. She has dark brown fluffy hair, a perfectly dipped nose, and 2 pink cheeks. She is perfect. When she opens her eyes for the first time, I gasp. The brightest blue you could ever imagine, is perfectly painted around her pupils. Peeta smiles. I knew I reckonized the eyes. Their eyes are identical.

     When I hand her to Peeta, he sits on the stool, bundleing her in his arms. We are both bawling right now, except for her. Shes the most peaceful baby I've ever seen.

     "Katniss, You should name her. After all you are the one that finally agreed to have her." Peeta says rocking her back and forth. A name. hmmmm. "Are you going to name her Prim?" Peeta shoots out. I look down at my hands. "no." i say. "our daughter represents a new start, a new beginning. Not our ugly wounds of the past." I say carefully. I think of a name, and suddenly the name Willow ramdomly pops into my head. Willow. Its simple but I like it.

     "Willow." i tell Peeta. "Thats perfect, Katniss." he says kissing my forehead.

     So Willow is her name. She's perfect in her own way. I won't dare tell her my past until she's 10. Thats the year I'll be dreading. But she must know our past. She is our daughter. And I won't keep anything from her. I also won't teach her to hunt. Once, when she was 4, I squished a bug. She cryed for hours. If she can't stand a bug being killed, She'll hate killing squerrls and deer in the woods. In fact, I dont even want to know what would happen! But she's still amazing. She helps out Peeta in the bakery and can paint just as well as him. She's also got the social, kindhearted personallity of Peeta. But more than anything, she looks exzactly like me. except for those big blue eyes that everyone adores.

     Oh yeah, and Gale. Gale still visits once in awhile. He travels all over Panem, so we dont see him as much. But he's nice to Will (We call her that for short sometimes). And he will never hurt us again. so everythings fine. Will is smart, creative, amazing, and- oh i could go on forever! but most of all, she's beautiful.

     And Peeta. He has his own bakery, just for extra money is all. But Will and him, have a special bond. She is definetly a daddy's girl.

     As for me, well Peeta and I are thinking of adding to the family. We hope for a boy definetly. And thats all.

                                                                       THE END


Hope you guys enjoyed my new series!!!! well thats all! I may be making a new series soon so make sure to fan and comment! byez byez!


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