Alcohol and the loss of items

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It was the biggest day of my life thus far, I had just gotten my results and barely made it to my required grades to get into college, I had no more worrying. No more stress ridden nights. I got into college like I needed to. Celebratory drinks were definitely in order, luckily there were multiple parties people were hosting for this night and I would be going to one of them. No idea which one but I was sure people wouldn't mind.

Throwing on clothes I managed to get there only a small amount of time after the drinking had started and found my way to the kitchen counter. A few heavy drinks later I slowed down to a beer, and as I popped the cap off a loud yell came from the other room exclaiming that drinking games were about to begin. I followed into the other room and was told everyone is playing 'flip, sip or strip'. Hey it was better than truth or dare.

After being a little shit at guessing heads or tails, I began choosing to abstain from the alcohol, or soon I'd pass out.

Heads, come on.

The coin was tossed into the air and rotated slowly, as it made its descent it was snatched from its fall. A second later a voice called out, "Heads!" And let me tell you I was not happier. That was until the proceeding 4 rounds where I lost both of my socks, my jacket, and my shirt. At least I wasn't the poor bastard sat next to me in his underwear preparing to take his second shot.

The game then ended, but unfortunately it was decided that no one could have their clothes back until they left. A few people stole blankets from the nearby sofas as they went to grab another drink. I stood up, made a weird horse like noise to sober me up and left the room with my beer in hand. I headed for the back garden to perch on the swing set that I saw when I came in. It was quieter round here than it was inside, you could still hear the trashy music, but it was still quieter.

I finished my beer and held the empty bottle in my hand as I pushed myself into a weak swing. I sat there staring at the grass for ages, but I noticed when the glowing lights from the Party were being blocked out. "You alright?" I spoke into the night.


"You feeling a bit off?" After I said this I looked upwards, and honestly nearly shit myself.

Oh no it was not one person, it was about 300 enclosing me, staring at me, watching my every move. The people flooded out into the woods at the back of the house, and peering over other people's hedges. What the fuck.

My hand tightened its hold on the bottle. My body rose from the swing. My arm swung out towards the frame of the swing. My beer bottle smashed, and everyone stood waiting. Watching.

I dashed towards the nearest person - who couldn't have been much older than me - and pushed t beer bottle towards her, "What the fuck are you doing here!?" I screamed.

"To watch the most important moment in human history." She whispered back in amazement.

"What does that have to do with me!?" I yelled. The girl tried to step back but I grabbed her wrist. She shook me off and was pulled into the crowd by the person stood next to her. I clenched both my hands and ferociously shook my head hoping I was just passed out somewhere.

"You!" A cry came from my new found audience and a man rushed towards me, "how could you take everything away from me!" He prepared to jump on me. I squinted my eyes and thrust out my arm.

The bottle end went straight into his throat and I felt like throwing up. He made no conscious sounds, and the blood gushed from the wound. I froze. Tears fell. The body dropped to the ground. My knees gave out. The crowd started whispering and mumbling, it slowly disappeared until it was only me and the girl from earlier. "Is this the greatest moment?" I bubbled trough my tears.

"I feel that is yet to come." She whispered and bent down to my height. She ruffled my hair, "I'm sorry." And she walked away.

I knelt next to a lifeless body.

I knelt next to a lifeless body that must've lived.

I knelt next to a dead man.

I knelt next to a dead man I put there.

A killer knelt next to its victim.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01, 2022 ⏰

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