Chapter 2

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*Alexandrea's P.O.V.*

" Good work today girls, now lets all rest up for the big game tomorrow!" I smiled before slinging my bag over my shoulder, holding my white and light pink accented lacrosse stick in my hand, and made my way towards the bleachers where Justin was waiting for me.

"Hey." i said , feeling exhausted from the practice.

"Hey Alex." he smiled shoving his books and folders that he was 'working' on into his bag.

He probably thought he was being sneaky watching the practice. This kid needs better spying skills.

"You ready to go?" he asked standing up. I nodded rubbing my forehead.

"You alright?" he asked concerned. Aw.

"Yeah. Im fine, just my goggles hurt like a bitch and always give me a head ache." i said sending him a weak smile.

"Alright. Well then we can go to my house now, to work on the project." he said nervously.

"Aight Leggo!" i cheered linking my arm through his as we made our way over to my car.






"MOM! IM HOME!" Justin yelled sluggishly dropping his back pack by the door. I put my lacrosse bag and school bag next to his.

"Kitchen!" I heard a woman's voice reply.

He headed towards, what i'm assuming is, the kitchen.

Once we entered the kitchen i saw a petite lady who looked around her early 40's. She had brown hair, brown eyes, and was very pretty.

Definitely his mom.

As soon as she saw me a surprised look spread across her face, but was quickly replaced with a smile.

"Hello, im Pattie." she smiled running over to me and giving me a hug. I giggled at how friendly she is.

"Im Alexanadrea, but you can call me Alex." i smiled, both of us pulling out of the hug.

She looked over at Justin and sent him a look i couldn't quite read.

"Um, Mom we have to work on a project together." he said "Can we go up to my room , i dont want Jazzy to bother us."

"Yeah, just leave your door open honey. Jazzy should be home in about an hour or so. Jasons dropping her off for me." she explained before going back to the stove where she was cooking something.

Justin rolled his eyes at the mention of whoever this Jason kid is.

"Would you like to stay for dinner , sweety?" she asked looking up from the pot.

"I would love to, but i promised my little brother i would eat with him. Neither of my parents or older brother are there and he hates eating with the nanny. Maybe another time." i smiled. She nodded and smiled back.

"How olds your brother?" she asked.

"The youngest is 4 and the oldest is 23."

"Wow, thats a big age gap between all of you." she said almost shockingly.

"I guess." i shrugged."But its nice, i like taking care of my little bro." i giggled. Justin smiled.

"Wanna go to my room before Jazzy see's you and makes you have a tea party?" he laughed , i nodded sending Pattie a smile before following Justin up the stairs.

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