Chapter 7: Trinity

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/Clark POV/

Their third consecutive detention ended and the students filed out once again, stretching and finally speaking in full tones. 

Hal had become friends, somehow, with J'onn, and was talking his ear off, Barry in tow. Clark looked ahead to Bruce, who was walking and typing on a small tablet -yes, its modern times-.

"Hey, Bruce!" Clark jogged up to him, matching his pace. "We didn't formally meet. I'm Clark, Clark Kent." Bruce looked at his outstretched hand for a moment, something flashing behind his eyes before he shook it. 

"Bruce Wayne." Bruce turned back to his tablet and Diana came to walk beside Clark. 

"Hey Clark. Bruce, was it?" Bruce looked up from his tablet again and nodded. "I'm Diana." 

"Pleasure to meet you."

"I saw you looking at my book..."

"It's Plato right? The story of Achilles?" Diana was shocked. 

"You've read it?"


"Wait, you both read Greek???" Clark chimed in, looking back and forth between them. Diana thought for a moment before smiling. 

"Do you guys like burgers?"


/Bruce POV/

The trio came to Big Belly Burger, a restaurant close to the school -Bruce had told Alfred not to pick him up yet and his butler was happy to oblige-.

Bruce glanced around as they sat, never having been in such an establishment. The waitress walked up to them almost immediately. 

"Hi there! What can I get you?" The girl looked to be about their age, with blonde hair and a name tag that read 'Dinah'. 

"Hey Dinah. How's your father?" Diana smiled at her, a hint of pity in her voice.

"He's okay... Thanks for asking. Anyway, who's this?" She gestured toward Bruce. 

"Uh, this is Bruce Wayne. He's our-"

"Acquaintance." Bruce finished, standing to shake Dinah's hand. 

"Bruce Wayne huh? I've seen you around our school before. Heard you got detention." Bruce didn't respond and Diana cut in. 

"Yeah, that's where I met both of these boys." She clapped Bruce and Clark's shoulders as a shout was heard from the kitchen. 

"Dinah! You're on the clock!" 

"Sorry! What can I get you guys?" Dinah looked at the group expectantly as Clark and Diana looked at their menus. Bruce blinked, and picked up his. It was all burgers and fries -which was to be expected considering the name...-.

"I'll take a double bacon cheeseburger, please." Diana folded up her menu as she decided and Clark did the same. 

"The duel patty burger, please?" They both looked at Bruce, who raised his eyebrows. 

"Oh... I'll just have a milkshake and fries please." 

"You sure? Nothing else?" The three others looked at him and he nodded. 

"Yes." Dinah shrugged, jotting down the orders and telling them she'd be back in a few. 

"So, Bruce," Diana played with the salt on their table, "Why did you transfer to our school?" 

"My butler thought it would be a good idea. Broaden my horizons I suppose." 

"What did your parents think?" Clark asked. 

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