Dark!Japan x Reader Part 2

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Hey guys! CodeRed here! So a while ago I published this Dark!Japan x reader story and it wasn't getting ANY hits. Then my computer broke and I wasn't on the Internet for the longest time but now when I do come back I see thats its gotten pretty popular. So, due to popular demand *and my love for Japan* here is the second part!~ Enjoy~!

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"Kiku" licked and sucked at (Y/N)'s neck. Staking his claim by leaving a hickey. "S-stop!!" (Y/N) cried futiley. "Kiku" let out a long and evil laugh. "Hahahahahahaha, what did I tell you (Y/N)? I'm not going to stop!!" He rejoiced in her sobs and wailing. "Kiku....Kiku please.." He glared down at her. He was getting tiredly of her calling out to Kiku. "Kiku is gone! Hes not coming back!" He yelled at her, sharp teeth showing.

That however, didn't stop her. She only placed her soft hand on his cheek and stared into the now full of evil eyes. "Kiku, Kiku I know you're in there! Somewhere! Please come back! I love you Kiku!" She beged and pleaded for his return. "Kiku" had enough of her begging and raised a hand to hit her, only to feel something stirring within. "What is this?" He said aloud. 'Get out of my body!!' He heard a voice cry within his head. He knew who the voice belonged to. Kiku Honda.

"Kiku" felt a shart pain in his head. "Ahh! Ah!!' He cried and feel to his knees in font  of (Y/N) clutching his head in pain. The pain only worsened and spread like a wildfire, first his head then his chest. It hurt so bad! It was being burned alive. "Make it stop! It hurts!!" He cried desperately, tears streaming his face. 'GET OUT!!!!!"  He heard the voice cry one last time before he fell back. (Y/N) kneeled down beside his body and shook him lightly.

"Kiku? Kiku are you there? Kiku!" She called out to him, hope running through her. The man below her groaned and allowed his eyes to open. Though hardly visible she could still see it. Those beautiful chocolate brown eyes, no longer full of hate. "(Y-Y/N)?" He questioned drowsily. (Y/N) shook her head frantically, tears of happiness running down her cheeks. "Yes! Yes it's me!" Kiku smiled up at her bfore saying three words that would forever keep her happy. "I love you."

Though, in the midst of all his happiness Kiku didn't hear something. A low, evil voice that most would think was actually in his head but emitted from the shadows. 'I'm still here...I will always be here. In the back of your head, in your shadow. You can't escape.'

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⏰ Last updated: May 16, 2012 ⏰

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