Chapter 1- Love At First Sight... Twice?

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Chapter 1- Love At First Sight… Twice?

*3 months ago*

Kayleigh’s P.O.V.

            I looked myself in the eyes. My beautiful green eyes stared right back at me and my brown hair was flowing perfectly down my back in waves. While my cute loose beige dress was accenting my hair color. I looked over at Rachel and Jessica in the corner they are goddesses to make me look like this; well of course they look gorgeous as well. Rachel is in a tight blue dress showing off all her curves and making her aqua eyes pop, and her dirty blonde hair was perfectly curled. While Jessica was wearing a bright green shirt with a tight black skirt and she had blue-green make-up around her stunning blue eyes while her blonde hair was laying perfectly straight down her back. Wow they looked hot. We just finished getting ready to go to a One Direction concert. One Direction, my god, I love them Harry and Liam are my favorites. I would rather date Harry even though I know that will never happen I thought. While Rachel doesn’t like any of them in a dateable, she likes a boy in the grade above us. As for Jessica, she likes Zayn and Louis, but Zayn already has a girlfriend so she is going for Louis. We all jumped into Rachel’s bright red convertible and set off to the concert, we were all anxious so I put on some music, 1D music of course. We all started singing at the top of our lungs and got some rather funny looks from people, but we didn’t care, we never have. We walked into the concert full of fans just like us and sat down in our seats 3rd row don’t ask how we managed that, I really don’t even know. Then the concert started they had sung; Tell Me a Lie, Moments, One Thing, Stand Up, and Taken. When all of a sudden they stopped and said they were going to bring someone up on the stage and sing to them, just as they said that Harry made eye contact with me and I got embarrassed immediately, the girls noticed cause they started bumping my arm and telling me to look.

Harry’s P.O.V.

            I caught that gorgeous girl’s eye as Liam said we were going to sing to someone, so I walked over to them and told them I wanted her, pointing at the one in the beige dress. They all looked and nodded in agreement.

“We are gonna bring up that special girl right there,” I said pointing. ‘Me?’ one of her friends mouthed, I shook my head. ‘Me?’ I the other mouthed, I shook my head again. ‘Her?’ they mouthed pointing, I shook my head again but this time yes. She looked up and blushed; wow I thought she is even more gorgeous now.

“Hey Liam can we sing What Makes You Beautiful and More Than This to her, you know in case she is Taken?” I whispered into his ear. He shook his head, yes. Sweet I thought as she came on stage and sat on the chair looking down.

“Hey babe, what’s your name?” I asked her.

“Kayleigh,” she reply whispered.

“Well everyone let’s welcome Kayleigh!” I yelled into the mike this was met with screams of happiness.

“Here’s to this beautiful girl,” Louis said winking, girls were swooning over him, “hope you like it love.” Oh no he didn’t I thought as the song started. I sang my heart out until my solo came up and I went and stood over her looked her in the eyes and started,

Baby you light up my world like nobody else

The way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelmed

But when you smile at the ground it ain't hard to tell

You don't know

You don't know you're beautiful…

I smiled at her and she looked down, and I kept going still staring at her. When that song finished I got ready to sing More Than This which Louis seemed excited to sing to her as well. “No Louis freaken Tomlinson you will not like her, she’s mine,” I growled in his ear and he backed off, good, I smirked. The song started and I sang to her the entire song. The song ended and Liam said,

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