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Mc sprinted through the crowds that flooded the corridors, she needed to get to her locker and quick, she felt flushed and irritated but she knew what was happening. People stared darkly and growled as she fled by, she felt their eyes on her, watching her.

She gulped; the harsh eyes showed her how awful it was to be at the bottom of the social class. As she whipped by, girls stared and giggled; talking about her and how she supposedly "wanted it". Boys groped at her and called her names like slut and whore. But it certainly wasn't the first time she'd heard it.

In fact, this was almost a monthly occurrence. She was mostly used to it now, maybe if she had decided to put her pills in her bag it wouldn't have been as bad today but no she left them in the locker which was pretty much over the other side of the school. She needed to get there and fast sadly for her though Sarah Choi blocked her path.

"Hey slut" she called to Mc who stopped in her tracks the group of people around her spreading into a circle around the two girls and Sarah's posse. "Going somewhere?" Sarah spoke harshly glaring at Mc. "Sarah please I need to get my tablets" Mc cried as she dropped her gaze.

Sarah Choi was one of the most popular girls in school all because she was an alpha and her sister was a famous actress. Betas flocked around her and attended to her every bossy and ridiculous needs. Her parents were both high-class alphas and she was already set to marry into the most high-class family in the whole of Korea.

Mr. Han, or Jumin as he was known to us at school. Jumin's father was a multi-millionaire and a Chairman at Korea's biggest business firm C&R. Jumin was professional in every way, he was never seen with any woman, in every photo he either wore designer products or a high-class suit. He spoke with elegance and always greeted all people with a handshake even his father. Of course, he often became the center of the media's attention what with his social standing.

However, at the same time, MC wondered how he could be perfect all the time. He was pretty much the school's superstar student, for all mc knew he managed to get good grades all the time, was loved by the teachers and all the students flocked around him. Apparently, a lot of the girls liked Jumin and Mc could see why after all; he was good looking, would have a good job, was responsible, didn't mess around with girls a lot, was a gentleman, and not that it mattered to her but he had money and lots of it.

"Looking for these" Sarah giggled as she waved the tablets she had in front of Mc's face, causing her dreamy image of Jumin to leave her mind. "Wait where did you get them from?" she questioned Sarah nervously, hoping they weren't her tablets. "Where do you think slut, your locker, what type of code is 1, 23, 45, 6; how stupid are you?".

Mc gulped, of course, her password was stupid it was obvious and easy but she hadn't set it up nor had she been able to change it. She jumped for tablets knowing that if Sarah had them she wouldn't give them back. Sarah laughed at her pathetic jump and held them higher. "Jump bitch" she smiled darkly as she watched Mc jump for them again and again. "What's wrong can't reach pipsqueak" the girl laughed clutching at her stomach in fits of laughter.

"Omg this is a hilarious look at her she's so red and sweaty, she probably stinks" with that mc stopped jumping and looked around the room, she saw people in the crowd cover their noses or glare darkly at her suggesting what they wanted to do to her.
She stared at the floor in embarrassment. She felt her underwear soak though and she knew she was desperate for the tablets.

"Please" she begged quietly to Sarah who looked at her and laughed, "You think I'm just gonna give you them?" She said waving the pack in front of mc before popping it open and pouring them into her hand. "No please" Mc whined in horror as the redhead slowly walked over to the water fountain and opened her hand.

"Please" MC begged again tears pooling from her eyes. "I n-n-need them" she hiccuped hoping for the girl to change her mind. "Oops" Sarah grinned as she tipped the tablets down the drain. "Oh no sluts tablets went down the drain, what will she do?" She laughed wickedly and turned to leave. The whole crowd carried on as normal after she turned on her heels and walked away; leaving mc to run over to the fountain and stare at the emptiness of the bowl.

She shook as her legs gave way, she had no more tablets; how was she going to survive the rest of school surrounded by alphas and betas whilst in heat. She cried for all she knew she would become the alphas toy thing and become bonded with the wrong person. How her father and mother would be disappointed and look at her with shame. She would probably be forced out to live on the streets and because she was bonded and nobody would want her.

No, she wouldn't let her family down, she'd stand tall and rush to the nurse's office, hopefully, they'd have some. She pushed herself off the floor weekly and grimaced at the uncomfortable wetness between her legs. She wanted to be held and mated with but not of her own accord. The main downside of the heat was that she wanted to be fucked constantly.

She sighed loudly and waddled around the corner as her body heat became hotter and her breath became short pants. She craved for a touch, for something to be inside of her, to fill her up. Her bangs stuck to her face in sweat and she cried in frustration. This wasn't fair.

Sometime later she somehow managed to make it to the nurse's office. Mc felt like she might pass out from the heat unsure if this was normal. She'd never gone through heat without tablets. She lifted her hand to knock as a tall and handsome man walked out and started at her surprised by either her presence or her state.

He turned around his eyes never leaving Mc. He thanked the nurse and then grabbed Mc's arm pulling her through the corridor. 'This is it' she thought, ' this is where they bond with me and my life goes to shit, well gets worse'. The tears flooded from her eyes making it hard to work out who this man was. All she could tell was that he was an alpha and a strong one at that. The power and sexual arousal radiating off him made her sex pool again and her breath catch in her throat. He smelt incredible and for the first time, Mc wanted him.

When they reached a door MC could see it was one that wasn't used too much. She shook and couldn't believe the situation if only she'd stood up to Sarah or told the nurse what she needed before this male managed to capture her. He opened the door and threw her in. She landed on the floor in a flop, she removed her hair from her face and rubbed the tears away. He walked in and turned the light on and shut the door before clearing his voice.

She started up to see a figure she recognized holding a bottle of water and some tablets out to her. "Take them" he shifted uncomfortably on his feet and she reached out to take the things he offered. She greedily took the tablets and drank the water thirstily. She coughed and looked down at the floor as he stared at her. "Thank you Jumin" she whispered feeling his gaze upon her.

"It's, not a problem, I saw Sarah bullying you, I wanted to make sure you were okay, you just caught me at the wrong time " he gulped and rubbed his neck. Mc raised her head and stared at him, how couldn't he be uncomfortable around her. "I'm sorry," she said softly curling her legs towards her body. "My heat suddenly hit me out of nowhere and she took my last tablets, I know I'm making you uncomfortable".

He sighed and ran a hand through his hand "honestly you don't make me uncomfortable, the heat does" he laughed slightly as he popped himself down on the floor next to her.

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