How will I know

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When she had gotten home that day she explained to her mother and father about how her tablets had gone missing and they told her to take the next couple of days off since she couldn't be responsible and was putting Alphas at risk. She sighed and rang the school explaining how it would be best to take a few days off just to make sure, she also asked if her locker combination could be changed but they shrugged her off. 

Over the next few days, MC replayed the conversation over in her head multiple times, relishing the fact that she now had a new friend who just so happened to be one of the wealthiest and well know teenagers in Korea; but that wasn't what made her so lucky, he truly cared for her and seemed to have a lovely down to earth personality to match his handsome physique; he was perfect in every way. 

A few days later MC began to feel normal again and returned to school, she entered the building and instantly recoiled Sarah was stood by her locker, her body lent against it as if she owned it. MC tucked her head down and stared at the floor before making her way over. "Oh if it isn't the little slut, I see you weren't at school the last few days, what did you go out and use that whorey little body of yours?" Sarah said slamming the door closed shut in my face. "no, I was ill" I answered quietly.  "oh wait of course you weren't out with guys, that would mean that somebody would want you" She smirked, "I heard you bumped into Jumin on the way to the nurse's office the other day" she said raising her eyebrows to stare at MC's face. When MC didn't answer Sarah turned so her back as pressed directly on the locker door, her face inches from MC's face " You best keep your poor, worthless hands off of my future husband otherwise your life will not be worth living".  MC nodded softly before Sarah pushed her to the floor and strode away.

MC looked at the floor around her, her work was scattered everywhere, her eyes filling with tears; she would not let Sarah's buying get to her; she wasn't worth it. She huffed softly hoping the day would go quickly and started to pick up sheets and books one by one. "Here let me help" a deep but powerful voice echoed above her, MC smiled, she recognized his voice immediately. "I was wondering if I'd get to see you again," Jumin said with a smile as he bent down to help collect the books. "Please Jumin, you don't have to do this, This was my fault. But I'm glad I get to see you too". Jumin looked over at her sternly and MC instantly dropped her gaze he shook his head and sighed "I told you, you don't have to drop your gaze around me, in my opinion, were equals, plus I know this wasn't your fault". He grabbed the last of the books and helped MC stand to her feet. 

"Here, I'm just glad you're feeling better, I was worried when you didn't come in, I thought something had happened to you, please don't scare me like that MC, I would hate it if you got hurt or something happened". Jumin said softly looking deeply into MC's eyes, tears pooling as he thought about all the awful things that had been plaguing his mind whilst she had been away. MC was heartbroken Jumin looked lost and so alone, she couldn't bear to see him that way and gathered all her strength to give him a hug. At this moment she didn't care if Sarah saw or hurt her, her friend was upset and needed a hug. 

She slowly pulled him in the sparks dashing up her arms and into her chest as she held him close, the smell of his cologne and a hint of pine tickled her nose, it was heavenly and she wanted nothing more than to breathe him in for all eternity. Jumin caught off guard by the movement was stunned, he laughed softly and pulled her in tighter, loving the way she felt nuzzled into his chest, her smell enveloping his nostrils in the sweet scent. He just wanted to hold this girl forever.  "Jumin, you'll be the first to know next time, I promise" MC whispered quietly. 

Jumin stared down at her, "how will I know?" he asked confused by her answer but happy because she had sworn to keep him updated in her life. "I could always text you" she smiled softly removing herself from his embrace to look up at him . 

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