.:First Week:.

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The first week was pretty good and I got to see some friends of mine and I seen some people I know that I seen back in high school. However, this is has been fully pack since the first time I came to college to years ago! But what sucks is that I have to wait for another year till I could transfer because so many of classes I need to require were filled up!

So, I have to stay till I could complete my transcripts and transfer to CalState Long Beach! Which is I'm excited to go there very soon! I always like going to the beach area but I have to deal with the heat near the beach =u=; So far, I only have classes on Monday, Wednesday and Tuesday and Thursday I'm off. However, an art professor told me that there's wasn't going to be a class and I was like are you serious?! I wasted nearly an hour to go to school and find out that there was no lecture?! Goddammit!!! Looks like I don't have a Friday class due the lack finding some professor to teach a Friday class and I was the only person who shown up and I thought there was a class going to start!! So much for my week to filled up?!

 However, an art professor told me that there's wasn't going to be a class and I was like are you serious?! I wasted nearly an hour to go to school and find out that there was no lecture?! Goddammit!!! Looks like I don't have a Friday class due th...

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(Augh!! I knew I should of check my damn college email before I went to school this morning!!! 😩😩😩)

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