Chapter 6. The date. Part 1

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Belly's Pov

" You'll see" He says. Argh! I hate waiting, and surprises. I'm just not good at being paitent. When I have to wait or know something is a surprise it wont leave my mind and it will bother the crap out of me!

" Louis please tell me! I hate surprises and waiting!" I complained. He laughed and shook his head.

" Impaitent little child!" He while laughing.

I reach forwards and start messing with the radio till i found 99.7 DJX. My all time favorite station. There were commercials on. I hate commercials their boring and usually pointless.

Then a voice came on, " Hello everyone! I hoped you enjoyed the commercials," You wish! "Because now they are over. Here is 'What makes you beautiful' by One Direction!" Yes! A good song! With out thinking i turn it up and started singing to it.

I totally forgot I was in the car with Louis till he started singing along too. We both sat in the car ( Louis was driving i was sitting ) singing WMYB. When we stopped at a stop light and the song ended. Louis started his signature move, stop the traffic and let them threw. We got strange looks from the car next to us.

Then the looks turned to surprise looks then I heard screams. Realising it was a car full of teenage girls. Louis noticed too. Then put on a pair of ray bans and a hat. A little late for that Louis! When the light turned green Louis drove as fast as he could, without getting pulled ove, to get away from the car of screaming fans.

We finally lost them after 20 minutes. He let out a sigh of relief. I started laughing because of the crazy he just did. He looked at me and started laughing himself.

" So... that was interesting. When people say you drive crazy, they aren't kidding!" I said while laughing.

" You know you loved it!" He yelled while laughing.

" Ok. Yes I did love it. It was quite... fun!"

" Hey Bella?"

" Hmm?"

You sing really good." He said looking serious. Woah! Louis being serious? Wow! He has to be lieing. Everyone says I can't sing. Well, except my parents, Candie, and Jessica. They say I sing good, but I don't ever believe them.

" Haha. Very funny Louis. I sing bad. Everyone tells me that except for my parents, Candie, and Jessica. I don't believe them because they probably only tell me that to make me happy." I said looking out the window.

Louis grabs my shoulders turning me to look at him. I then noticed we were parked in grass infront of a picnic. The view behind the it was beautiful! I looked at Louis who was already looking at me.

" Who ever told you that you're not a good singer must have been on crack! Your absolutly amazing! Your parents, Candie, and Jessica are right. Believe them and believe me. You can sing. Your voice is like an angles!" Louis said smiling at me, and trying to convince me. I actually kind of believed him.

" Well thank you Louis." I said being serious.

" Your welcome!"

"My voice like and angles? Yeah right! Niall's and yours are like angles! You two should have more solos! I just love your voice!" I said to Louis who just kept smiling. Then the smile turned into a grin. Right when I was going to ask why he was grinning, he started singing.

Every minute's like the so,

Lets just take it real slow,

Forget about the clock,

That tick-tick-ticking

He sand his solo in 'Everything about you'. My mouth was hanging in open in shock. I can't believe he just sang his part to me!

" So you like my singing voice? Or my actual voice?" He asked while smirking.

" I like both singing and regular. Their both very nice voices." I said while smiling, which quickly turned a blush. He started laughing when he noticed my blush.

All of a sudden he jumped out of the car and ran to my door. Then calmly opened it. I was still shocked from his sudden fast movement and didn't move. He then unbuckled me and threw me over his shoulder and started walking to the picnic. While he carried me over to the picnice I started hitting his back, and demanding down. Don't get me wrong, I like him carrying me and all, but I don't like being carried. He just laughed and kept walking with me on his shoulder.

Finally he put me down on the blanket and sit next me and trys not to laugh.

" What's so funny Louis?'


Well another chapter is up! The date is going to be broken up in parts. 

Comment what you think! :)

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