Chapter Thirty-Nine: Tying Up a Loose End

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"Do we get an invitation?" was the first thing out of Michael's mouth when we told the Knights about our finalized engagement.

"Of course you get an invitation, boss," I told him. "Being hired by you is part of the reason we can afford to do this in the first place."

"How wonderful!" Bonnie exclaimed as she approached my fiancée. "You must be excited, aren't you?"

"Very," Yukine said, trembling. "I was nervous that Mom and Dad might not let me, but..."

"What was the problem?" Michael asked.

KITT beat me to the punch. "In Japan, those under the age of twenty require parental consent in order to marry."

"Yeah," I said in a lame attempt to confirm his statement. "My dad gave me a document that says I'm basically emancipated, and Yukine's parents will be taking care of her permission."

"Aw, that's sweet," Bonnie said as she affectionately patted Yukine's back. "I'm glad your parents are so understanding."

"Did they call and talk to you?' I asked the older couple.

Michael gave me his trademark lopsided smile. "We had a little chat, yeah."

"Is there anything I should know, anything I need to keep in mind?"

He shook his head, smile still in place. "Nah, you're good, kiddo. Just do your job and marry your girl."

I couldn't help but smile at his 'order'. "Yes, sir."

"Do you need any help with planning?" Bonnie asked. "I'm not familiar with Japanese weddings, but I'm willing to learn."

Yukine and I exchanged smiles. "Actually, we want to do a Western-style wedding, with a minister and all that," I said.

"We're going to be meeting one on Monday," Yukine added. "He runs a church close to a bakery run by the parents of one of Tomoya's classmates."

"She's not in my class," I corrected. "Furukawa's in my grade, but she's in a different class."

"You haven't talked to her in a while, have you?" she asked. "Maybe we could stop by and say 'hi' on our way to the church."

"That's a good idea," I agreed. "Now I kinda feel like I've been neglecting her or something."

"Can't please everyone all the time," Michael quipped.

Yukine took Bonnie's hands and said, "Thank you for your offer; I'll take you up on it if I can. In any case, I would love to see you at my wedding."


I turned to see Kotomi coming from the back hallway. "Kotomi-chan! I didn't know you were here!"

She walked right up to me with a solemn expression. "I have been working on ways to improve KITT to better assist you."

"Thanks," I said. "I really appreciate that."

She stared at me for a long time, solemn expression still in place.

"Ichinose-senpai?" Yukine squeaked.

I considered that she was still distressed over my relationship with Yukine, so I did my best to be sympathetic. "Did you need something from me?" I asked softly. "Or Yukine?"

Her lower lip trembled as tears pooled in her eyes but, to her credit, she kept it under control as she turned to my fiancée. "Miyazawa-chan?"

"Y-Yes, senpai?" Yukine clearly didn't expect Kotomi to speak to her. "M-May I help you?"

From behind, I could see Kotomi trembling while obviously trying not to. "May...May of your...b-bridesmaids?"

Yukine's mouth fell open, if only slightly. "I...I would be honored, Ichinose-senpai."

But Kotomi wasn't done. "May...May I...May I speak with your f-fiancé privately? For just a minute?"

Yukine looked to me, so I answered. "I don't see a problem, but for the sake of propriety I don't think I should be out of Yukine's sight."

"You could talk just outside the Bishop, at the end of the ramp," Bonnie offered.

"Th-Thank you," Kotomi replied; I'd never seen her act like this before. I had an idea of what she wanted to talk about, but...


I watched as Kotomi fidgeted, knotting and unknotting her fingers repeatedly as she shifted her weight from one foot to the other. " very hard for me to say," she explained.

"It's okay; take your time," I said in a comforting tone.

She stopped fidgeting and closed her eyes as she took a deep breath. When she opened her eyes again, I was surprised when she locked her gaze to mine. "I l-love you, Tomoya-kun, and it b-breaks my heart that you are marrying someone else."

"I understand," I replied. "I'm really sorry; I didn't mean to hurt you."

"I...I know," she struggled. "What I w-want to know is; c-can we still b-be friends?"

"Friends?" I repeated. Was she serious? "Are you sure you want that? I mean, Yukine's going to be around a lot. Won't that just reopen the wound over and over?"

"I-I would rather deal with that than lose you forever," she replied, with remarkably little stuttering.

I smiled at my childhood friend; what a brave girl. "I admire your strength, Kotomi-chan. I don't know of any other girls – or guys, for that matter – who would put themselves through this for a friendship."

"I love you," she repeated, hugging herself tightly, "but if I cannot be by your side as y-your wife, then I want to be by your side as your friend." She briefly dabbed at her eyes with a tissue. "I do not want to lose you; you are all I have left."

I knew what she meant; with the loss of her parents, I was the only one left that she knew. I was kind of a point of connection between her and the rest of the world. "I hope you'll understand," I said, choosing my words carefully, "but I'll need to talk with Yukine about this. She knows how you feel about me, and I need to consider her feelings when it comes to this."

She nodded slowly. "I understand. Thank you for your time." With that she turned and, hugging herself again, walked up the ramp back into the Bishop.

I remained at the bottom of the ramp, scratching my head. "Damn, that was awkward," I muttered to no one.

"Is everything okay?" Yukine asked as she came up to me. "Ichinose-senpai looked like she was about to cry when she came back."

"Yukine?" I said, awkwardly rubbing my hands together. "I need to talk to you about something."


"I see..." Yukine said with a concerned expression as we drank coffee at the small table in our room. "I think I finally understand why she's so attached to you."

"Look, if you want me to keep my relationship with her completely professional, then I'll do that," I told her. "I'll admit that it wouldn't be easy, considering our history, but if that's what would make you more comfortable..."

"No, that won't do," she said, fisting her hands as she shook her head. "I'm not taking you away from a dear friend just because I might be uncomfortable." She looked up at me with determination. "I trust both of you, so if you say you are just going to be friends, then that's good enough for me."

My brow furrowed. "Aren't you worried that you're taking a big risk, though?"

"No," she replied simply. "Should I?"

I chuckled. "No. No, I'm yours and that's all there is to it. It's just that it seems like so many women get jealous so easily...but you're not like that at all, are you?"

She smiled softly at me. "Like I said; I trust you both. I believe that even if Ichinose-senpai were to try something, you'd stop her."

"You're not wrong about that," I replied, holding my hand out across the table. "She's a nice enough girl, but she's not you."

"T-Tomoya..." Blushing, she reached out and gently took my hand in hers.

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